- Tuesday, September 14, 2021

The NFL allowing the playing of the Black national anthem during opening week along with the National Anthem is just the latest version of modern society ignoring history. This history includes Jim Crow laws and the 1954 Supreme Court ruling against ’separate but equal.’

It’s disappointing that the NFL thinks it’s going to correct decades of problems or create positive social change this way. So why would the organization think this is the proper remedy? According to the NFL, its rationale is that since the majority of players are African-American, the Black national anthem ought to be played. Tthough African-American players may be the majority, players are just a small part of what makes up an NFL team — so where is the fairness for the other people (coaches, administrators, etc.)?

I’m at a loss as to why the NFL thinks these activities will somehow unite people, despite the protestations of so many fans. It’s insulting that NFL officials continue to take fans for granted. I’m sure most fans don’t have any issue with these activities being done during the off season or during officials’ or players’ personal time.

Additionally, so many grassroots volunteers working to improve the lives of African-Americans such as myself see no benefit from such promotion. Offering money for slogans and advertisements doesn’t address root causes.

The NFL has started down a slippery slope, and it needs to stop before it sends us back to the Jim Crow era.



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