- Monday, September 13, 2021

While various corporate news people spotlight the intense division in America (as the corrupt media cheers), few will report the real story facing this country: the amazing ability of President Biden to create disastrous situations.

The COVID-19 mandates are the latest demonstration of Biden’s incompetence. Instead of rallying the nation to combat the virus on a personal level, the President demonizes the unvaccinated and tries to punish them.

It’s not that the basic premise is wrongl it isn’t. Unvaccinated adults are allowing the virus to spread more quickly. That’s the truth no matter what the far right puts forth. But by going full-tilt authoritarian, Biden gives ammunition to the vaccine resistors, makes them sympathetic in some quarters. Thus anti-vax opposition deepens and more Americans get sick.

We all know how Biden messed up Afghanistan, and his destruction of America’s border security is a big-time scandal — even if the corrupt corporate media ignores it.

But the worst may be yet to come.

Here is the brutal truth: Joe Biden is not able to mentally assess cause and effect. He was stunned when Afghanistan fell, not understanding that his foolish strategy led to the fall. He completely hides from the collapsing southern border even though his executive orders to stop the wall and cease immediate deportations to Mexico have caused millions of migrants to cross illegally into the U.S,

Biden’s attack on the American oil industry has directly led to higher pump prices. His embrace of late-term abortion has angered millions of human beings who were allowed to be birthed.

The radical-left progressives who run Biden know full well that the man cannot grasp the consequences of his actions. And the U.S. economy is up next.

The socialists understand that only making millions of Americans dependent on government handouts will incite a change from capitalism to federal control of the economy. Socialism will only happen if Americans give up trying to earn their prosperity and allow Washington to “provide.”

That’s what the $3.5 trillion “infrastructure” bill is all about: creating dependence on government giveaways. Free stuff is a powerful drug.

President Biden is completely lost, as are many of the folks who are enabling him. But not all. There are forces in this country actually rooting for the demise of traditional America. And Joe Biden, knowingly or not, is helping them.


Oak Park, Calif.

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