- The Washington Times - Saturday, October 9, 2021

America has a socialism problem, and it’s one that’s only growing worse with each school year.

But this is by design.

The Democratic Party’s playbook is to turn the next generation into the best little sheep they can be. Why? The better to solidify party power, of course.

“Support for socialism jumps by nearly 10 percent among U.S. youth,” the World Socialist Web Site wrote in October 2020. 

That’s a lot.

It was the pandemic that pushed the hike, WSWS found. As the county spiraled into shutdown mode, as the economy stalled and stuttered, as Americans were increasingly forced to stay home, stay out of work, to make do with less, and as the gap between the haves and have-nots grew even wider — so rose the support for socialism, particularly among the youth.

The naive always fall for the socialist giveaways. They truly believe Big Government breeds great things, and the bigger the government, the greater the good for all.

Picking up a history book would cure this naivety. Socialism, communism, collectivism — it’s all the same. And it always brings the same devastations. 

Nonetheless, fully “60 percent of Millennials (age 24-39) support a ‘complete change of our economic system away from capitalism,’ ” WSWS.org wrote. Meanwhile, about “57 percent of Gen Z does as well: increases of 8 and 14 percentage points, respectively, from just last year.”

So in one year’s time, youthful vigor for socialism hiked by 8 percent for those between ages 24 and 39, and by 14 percent, for those between the ages of 16 and 23.

These are America’s emerging leaders.

These are the people who will shape the U.S. political system, run the U.S. economy, determine the direction of U.S. education. Open the borders wide and smile: More anti-American, un-American influences are pouring into this country, due to President Biden’s feckless White House administration.

Between schools teaching a hatred of capitalism and country, porous borders and a politicized coronavirus that the left is using to continue clampdowns on freedoms, science be danged, the fate of America’s freedoms stand in peril.

Conservatives must take back the public schools — or else pull their kids from the public schools.

This problem of American socialism is only going to get worse. Biden and his band of collectivists and globalists will make sure of it. Their political lives depend on it.

Aside from abortion on demand, promising “free” stuff is the only platform Democrats have that works. The Democratic Party’s very existence depends on the ignorance of its voters.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise Or America Will Fall,” is available by clicking HERE.

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