On Sept. 16, WIBC radio in Indianapolis reported that 125 health workers at Indiana University Health quit their jobs rather than receive the COVID-19 vaccine. A report from National Public Radio three days prior reported that a hospital in New York will stop delivering babies for a while due to a shortage of maternity-ward workerss, many of whom had quit their jobs rather than get the vaccine. What do these hospital workers know about the vaccine that the average person does not?

On June 10, CNN Senior Medical Correspondent Elizabeth Cohen reported that both the Israeli Ministry of Health and an advisors’ report posted on the CDC website June 1 cite a probable link between COVID-19 vaccinations and myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscles) in young adults, especially young men. On Sept. 15 in the Western Journal, an article by Grant Atkinson describes a warning against vaccine mandates by a young male student who is an NCAA athlete. He had severe heart complications after getting the vaccine.

If thousands of young men and women in our armed forces get myocarditis or other heart complications from being forced to take a vaccine, won’t that weaken the strength of our armed forces?

Forcing people to get a vaccine that has definitely hurt other people is wrong. People have a right to resist the efforts of those who want to risk harming them for the sake of corporate or government policy. Refusing to get the vaccine should result in no discipline of any civilian or military personnel.

By ordering everyone in our armed forces to get vaccinated despite proven possible harm to the health of those to take it, Joe Biden is serving the special interests of the vaccine industry and those adversarial nations and groups that want our armed forces weakened.


Dyer, Ind.

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