- The Washington Times - Friday, October 29, 2021

Back when Barack Obama was president, a rhetorical dispute arose over the idea that the newly minted president, in order to save America from socialism and worse, should fail. Democrats, predictably enough, gasped and guffawed at the suggestion that what was best for America was for Obama to fail to implement his agenda.

But here we are again, facing the same Obama-type infusion of anti-America, anti-capitalist, anti-freedom agenda at the White House.

And once again: What’s best for America is for Joe Biden’s presidential pushes to fail.

All of patriotic America should pray for the Biden Administration to go down in flames. It’s what’s best for the country.

It’s the true Build Back Better way.

Look at what the Biden hope floats: Vaccine mandates enforced by private market entities. Face-masking for kids — despite the fact kids are the least likely to get the coronavirus. Stay-at-home orders for those Americans who refuse to comply with all the government’s ridiculous, unscientific, unconstitutional COVID-19-tied demands. Vaccine passports as a condition of free assembly, free movement, free travel. Inflationary prices that have increased the cost of everything from gasoline to Thanksgiving food — even as Democrat regulatory clamps are killing the middle class and the ability of most American citizens to financially provide for self and family. A wide open border that promises wave after wave after wave of possibly infected, probably Democrat new voter ushered into the country, illegally, again unconstitutionally, and spread with the aid and abetment of leftist pols to points north, south, east and west — to a community near you, at a taxpayer cost by you. Climate change controls that will ultimately leave America at a serious economic disadvantage with other nations of wealth, and that will ultimately bring America to a socialist state of redistribution, where companies pay penalties for the crime of producing and consumers pay the higher prices that the penalized companies then pass along to them. So much creative ingenuity. So much for free market. So much for production and entrepreneurship.

So much for the middle class and the dreams of youth to build, create and grow their God-given talents.

This is the imaginations of the Joe Biden administration — whomever that may be, because really, in the end, who’s running the plays in this White House, anyway? Certainly not the ice-cream licking barely-there Biden.

No. It’s the deep state forces Donald Trump warned us about and fought who have taken root and run roughshod over America’s political system — these are the nefarious globalists and collectivists who are running policy and ramrodding through socialist-slash-communist ideas.

Corporations and businesses are the enemy. Tax the rich; give to the poor. Republicans are racist; conservatives hate minorities. Parents have no right to dictate how their children should learn. These are the ideas of today’s Democrat Party, as pushed by the feckless Biden, as shoved into being by the wicked unelected influences working busily behind the scenes to cripple this country.

This is why the Biden agenda must fail.

Patriotic Americans must gather in prayer and petition that Biden fails at his presidency. It’s the only way to save the country and American freedoms for the coming generations. It’s the only way to preserve the American dream.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise Or America Will Fall,” is available by clicking HERE.

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