Among President Biden’s most famous quotes is this one: “If you do politics the right way, I believe, you can actually make people’s lives better. And integrity is the minimum ante to get into the game.”

Well, back in July Biden promised he would never create a COVID-19 vaccine mandate. Yet today tens of thousands of Americans have their jobs threatened because of Biden’s vaccine mandate. The ironic thing is that many of these people are health-care workers who just months earlier were considered heroes for risking their own lives at the height of the pandemic.

Biden wants to use his power to punish these people for not submitting to his vaccine mandate — so much so that he doesn’t want them to receive unemployment benefits. At the exact same time, thousands of illegal aliens are invading our country without even being tested for COVID-19. Biden, Vice President Harris Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas all claim our southern border is secure. So 1.7 million illegal aliens are crossing into our country via a secure, closed border?

Biden promised he would leave no Americans behind in Afghanistan. Yet his disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal left thousands of U.S. citizens and allies stranded just the same.

Biden is for teaching critical race theory in our classrooms. The truth is there is nothing more disgraceful than teachers teaching divisive lies to our children. Telling white students they are inherently bad because they are white is wrong. Telling Black students they are inherently victims because they are Black is equally wrong. CRT contradicts Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream of an America where people were not judged by the color of their skin, but by the quality of their character.

Biden and the Democrats claim the $3.5-trillion socialist tax-and-spend bill will cost zero dollars. That is impossible. It will cost not only us, bit our children and grandchildren as well.

Biden is a dishonest, lifelong Washington politician with no ethical standards. In just 10 short months he has done everything in his power to make Americans lives worse, not better.


Kokomo, Ind.

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