In the dead of the night at 3 a.m., acting like New York City rats scurrying about under cover of darkness, the Biden regime continues to disperse overwhelming numbers of illegals throughout the United States at will. It continues also to fly illegal immigrants into private airports via chartered flights (at taxpayer expense), in clear violation of FAA regulations against such night-time airport operations.

Meanwhile, Biden’s nominee for director of Customs and Border Patrol, Chris Magnus, refuses to answer a direct question posed to him in Senate hearings as to whether a crisis exists at the southern border.

Biden and his marxist apparatus in this refusal to protect our nation’s southern border are in clear violation of the Constitution’s requirement that the president shall faithfully execute the laws of the United States.

There is but solution to this Biden nightmare: de-certify the rigged election voting of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada and Arizona. From this, Biden’s electoral college tally goes below the 270 count.

Next, throw this action into the House of Representatives on a state-delegation counting basis to prescribe for a new presidential election as described via

Article II, Section I of the Constitution for a president either ineligible or incompetent to be in office (and this one is both). Then move forward with a new presidential election date, and allow the Republicans to present their most favored candidate, whether it be some individual unknown at this time or Trump himself to go against Biden.

This time, though, ensure a fair and credible election. Let there be no ballot harvesting, no massive mail-in-ballot voting, a one-day voting format and states mandating their own election laws.

From this endeavor, perhaps this time the true will of the American people will prevail when dumping Biden and replacing him with a true president of the United States.


Terre Haute, Ind.

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