Biden’s Supreme Court commission splits over court-packing proposals” (Web, Oct. 15) is a result we should have seen coming. However, if enlarging the number of SCOTUS justices beyond the nine codified in law in 1869 represents a policy choice truly conceived by our president with his eyes open, ophthalmologists would likely recommend an immediate eye exam.

But vision isn’t the only sense that’s roiling Joe Biden’s presidency. It’s his sense of touch. While the mainstream media has extolled the president’s “Midas touch” in all matters, court packing and a molten lava flow of recent debacles both foreign and domestic have confirmed the perspective of detractors that nothing Biden touches turns to gold — it turns to lead.

This regressive alchemy is on full display everywhere — at our open “closed” southern border, among the U.S. citizens and allies still trapped in Afghanistan, in the administration’s failure to persuade a majority of African-Americans and Hispanics to take the vaccine, and in Biden’s irrepressible itch to dole out money borrowed from future generations to favored constituencies, regardless of the economic consequences.

At some point soon, the American electorate that pushed (or dragged) Biden across the finish line in November will come to the realization that our country’s biggest liability is the man entrusted with the responsibility of running things on our collective behalf.


Cabin John, Md.

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