- The Washington Times - Thursday, October 14, 2021

An anti-abortion group is spending $1.4 million on an ad campaign to hit Democrat Terry McAuliffe in the final two weeks of the Virginia governor’s race.

The digital ads and mailers were launched by Women Speak Out Virginia, a political action committee partnered with Susan B. Anthony List.

They are urging voters to support GOP nominee Glenn Youngkin and 11 anti-abortion candidates running for the Virginia House of Delegates.

“Terry McAuliffe’s abortion extremism is an affront to voters across the commonwealth,” said Mallory Quigley, a spokeswoman for the PAC. “His position is not only morally repugnant — it is politically repellent. Pro-life is a winning issue in Virginia and across the country.”

One of the digital ads calls Mr. McAuliffe “too extreme” on abortion, saying he supports taxpayer-funded late-term abortions and would allow abortions up until birth.

The group is also putting out mailers that ask voters to “give the most vulnerable a chance.”

Abortion has been a hot topic in the Virginia governor’s race, which remains neck and neck.

Mr. McAuliffe drew fire from anti-abortion activists when he said he would sign legislation to loosen restrictions on third-trimester abortions.

He said during the first debate that if a woman’s life is in danger, he would support the option of reducing the number of doctors needed to certify the operation, which is currently three.

“The problem you have in rural parts of the state is there are not three doctors. So, that puts women in rural communities at a disadvantage. So, if they came up with a solution—and the woman’s life has to be in danger, has to be certified — if you have a legitimate doctor that says ‘this woman, her life’s is in danger,’ of course I would support that,” Mr. McAuliffe said.

Mr. Youngkin has said he believes abortions should only be available in cases of rape, incest, and when the life of the mother is endangered.

“As the next governor of Virginia, I will proudly stand up for the unborn and their mothers. I believe life begins at conception. My views are formed not only by my faith but by science as well,” Mr. Youngkin wrote in a letter to Virginia’s anti-abortion activist community.
Both candidates paint each other as being extreme on the issue.

In an MSNBC interview this week, Mr. McAuliffe warned voters that his opponent would eradicate all abortions in the state.

Glenn Youngkin is committed to banning abortions and defunding Planned Parenthood,” Mr. McAuliffe said. “Virginia’s got to understand. Abortion will be gone. It will be outlawed if Glenn Youngkn is elected governor.”

Early voting is underway in Virginia.

A CBS News/YouGov poll taken Oct. 4-11 had Mr. McAuliffe with 50% support compared to Mr. Youngkin’s 47%.

The poll surveyed 1,040 likely voters and had an error margin of 4.1 percentage points, an amount greater than Mr. McAuliffe’s 3-point edge, making the poll a statistical tie.

• Mica Soellner can be reached at msoellner@washingtontimes.com.

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