- The Washington Times - Monday, October 11, 2021

Southwest Airlines canceled more than 1,800 flights over the weekend on account of wink, wink, bad weather — but the more plausible reason is that scores of pilots refused to fly because of COVID-19 vaccine mandates. 

If so, these pilots are patriots who deserve Americans’ full support.

Just a few days ago, the Southwest Airlines Pilot Associations, representing 10,000 pilots, filed a lawsuit requesting a temporary halt on the company’s intentions to mandate COVID-19 vaccinations for all employees.

Coincidentally enough, “weather” over the weekend caused the cancellation of the 1,800 Southwest flights. But here’s the funny part: “Weather” only caused the weekend cancellation of 63 of American Airlines’ flights, and 32% of Spirit Airlines’ flights, Forbes found.

“Why is the ‘weather’ only disrupting Southwest?” Jack Posobiec wrote on Twitter.

Yes. Weather. Wink, wink.

For the record, the pilots’ union denies any sort of walkout due to the vaccine mandates.

But they’re fighting the mandates, just the same. And that’s a fight all of America needs to support. It’s about individual choice, over government force — about individualism over collectivism.

“The new vaccine mandate unlawfully imposes new conditions of employment and the new policy threatens termination of any pilot not fully vaccinated by December 8, 2021,” the legal documents state

Is this still America?

America is at war — cultural war. Ideological war. Religious war, even.

There are those in America, the Democrats, really, who think they can dictate the medical treatments for the rest in America; who think they can force injections into the arms of hesitant citizens in the name of some greater good; who think they can stifle debate and silence dissent about vaccination safety and efficacy and side effects; who think those who continue to express questions about the health treatments that are being forced into their own bodies, into the bodies of their kids, into the bodies of their loved ones — that these questioning types are Public Enemies Number One and ought to be stripped of all freedoms until they comply.

Obey or be sidelined.

Comply or be quieted.

Do as the government says — or lose everything.

And on that last, the government, working hand in hand with private business, is certainly making inroads.

Americans who don’t want to vaccinate have been losing their freedoms to dine out, their freedoms to enter venues of entertainment, their freedoms to attend athletic competitions, their freedoms to live on college campuses, their freedoms to go to school, their freedoms to go to work.

Their freedoms to travel freely.

The vaccine mandate is the fork in the road for America: Go left, and it’s the path to communism and collectivism and total top-down bureaucratic control. Go right, and the authoritarian leftists go back in their box, are shoved back in their corners, are pushed back in their proper subservient-to-the-people places.

The left doesn’t simply want power.

The left — the Democrats, the socialists and communists in the Democratic Party, the collectivists at the United Nations and World Economic Forum and other global forces, the elites in Big Business and Big Tech — these leftists ultimately want worship.

They don’t believe in God. They think they are gods. They think you should believe that, too. And those who dissent? Those who question? Those who continue to resist?

No liberty for you.

“Joe Biden’s illegal vaccine mandate at work! Suddenly, we’re short on pilots & air traffic controllers,” Texas Sen. Ted Cruz tweeted.

This is just the beginning.

And think about this: Truly — hopefully — this is indeed just the beginning.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise Or America Will Fall,” is available by clicking HERE.

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