- Monday, October 11, 2021

The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed an extreme abortion bill that would invalidate health and safety protections for women seeking an abortion, including eliminating parental consent laws which protect young girls from sexual predators and sex trafficking. In a recent debate, Virginia Democratic Gubernatorial candidate Terry McAulliffe eagerly expressed that he would be a “brick wall” against legislation to make abortion safer for women.

The so-called Women’s Health Protection Act would almost do Mr. McAulliffe’s job for him by invalidating all regulations of abortion and allow abortion up to birth. McAulliffe also pledged support for taxpayer funding of abortion, leading pro-life Democratic voters to wonder why they should vote for him. States like California, New Jersey, and New York that have unlimited funds for abortion have the highest rates in the nation.

Virginia pro-life Democrats have already witnessed the effect of an abortion-rights Governor and an abortion-rights majority. Governor Northam eliminated a majority of laws aimed at protecting women and their preborn children. He promotes abortion up to the moment of birth as a reasonable option and has failed to advocate or fund a state program to provide real choice and financial support to pregnant women.

And, things could get worse for pregnant women if Mr. McAuliffe gets his way.

The gubernatorial candidate has a history of discrimination and marginalization against pro-life democrats.

A group of Democratic Lawmakers, including the then-Co-Chair of the House Pro-life Caucus, Jim Oberstar, asked then-Democratic National Committee Chairman McAuliffe to add Democrats For Life of America to the list of over 100 organizations on the Democratic National Committee website.  Instead of adding DFLA as the 40 pro-life Democratic Representatives requested, his solution was to eliminate all links.

Sadly, Mr. McAuliffe is not alone in discriminating against and excluding Democrats who support 99 percent of the Democratic Platform but take a consistent position to extend human rights to babies at the beginning of their lives in the womb.

Following the passage of the Texas law, the Sunshine Movement decided that they would no longer welcome in their group a 16-year-old youth, Hayden Laye because he opposed abortion. Never mind that Mr. Hayden was an active member in promoting environmental justice and is involved in many other groups fighting for Democratic issues. The young man is just getting his political start and recently met Vice President Kamala Harris due to his advocacy to Stop Asian Hate.

Ironically, the Sunshine Movement’s third principle stresses that “we are of many colors and creeds” and “our differences make us stronger.” Their eleventh principle states, “We unlearn oppressive attitudes and fearlessly confront a status quo that divides us based on our skin color, the money in our pockets, where we live, who we love, and who we are.” The young man learned first hand being pro-life was disqualifying. So much for “unity” and differences making us stronger.

With a competitive race in Virginia, pro-life voters will take a close look at the two candidates and weigh the direction the Democratic Party is taking on abortion and how it treats those of us who believe abortion should be rare or non-existent. Mr. McAuliffe has a problem with these voters. They may stay home to send a message to the Party or vote for Glenn Younkin.

Terry McAulliffe is not new to politics and knows that every vote matters. Will he dismiss the pro-life Democratic vote, or will he make a case for pro-life Democrats? 

• Kristen Day is the executive director of Democrats For Life of America, a pro-life organization based in Virginia.

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