A common yet questionable refrain prevails among capitalist nation governments and corporate circles: Best business practices, including what’s best for consumers, are best decided by business decision makers.

This was most recently proven false with Facebook prioritizing the expansion of its already-huge profit margin over the health of its younger users. It was proven false when long-term care homes put profit maximization before their residents’ well-being. This neglect resulted in needlessly numerous COVID-19 deaths. And it was proven most false when the pharmaceutical industry knowingly pushed its new, very addictive opiate painkiller.

Western business mentality (and, by extension, collective society) allows human well-being to be decided by corporate profit-margin measures. And our governments mostly dare not intervene, perhaps because they fear being labelled anti-business by our avidly capitalist culture.

Sadly, maximizing profits by risking the health or lives of product consumers will likely always be a significant part of the big business beast’s nature. But that does not mean we should give in to it. Rather, it should be a call to society, and especially our elected leaders, that the economy and jobs are there foremostly for people, not for corporate profit’s sake.


White Ro ck, British Columbia

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