The piece on the Department of Justice intervening in school-board issues is disturbing, but your piece misses a huge point (“AG Merrick Garland directs FBI to target ’disturbing spike’ in school board threats,” Web, Oct. 4). Garland does not have the legal jurisdiction to intervene.

Under the civil rights laws he has to have evidence that someone’s civil rights are being crushed. Parent resistance to a the left’s political agenda is not an item that fits into that category. The incidents that have lead to arrests are clearly the jurisdiction of the local officials, and they are in fact handling them. If there is any attempt to deny civil rights it is the left’s efforts to deny parents a say.

So what gives? It is very clear the letter sent to the feds by the National School Boards Association was a Trojan horse to create a means for Garland to use the full power of the federal government to crush the resistance. This is a clear abuse of ederal power and it must be blocked.


Wayne, Pa.

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