The latest Durham indictment reveals clearly for all to see that every bit of the so-called Russian dossier were lies, manufactured to intentionally inflict damage upon candidate Trump, illegally interfere with a federal election and oust him once he became president (“Durham wins over toughest critic with revelations of Dem scheme behind Trump-Russia probe,” Web, Nov. 8).

This illegal collusion — which included powerful leaders of the FBI, CIA and Obama White House right up to Biden and Obama themselves — represented our first attempted coup d’etat, aided and abetted by the mainstream media and disgraceful Democrats. Yet all we hear from any of those people are false accusations and congressional investigations about a Jan. 6 “insurrection” that never took place. An insurrection is a violent attempt to take control of a government. With very few exceptions, the worse Jan. 6 cases consisted of a relatively small number of demonstrators guilty of misdemeanor trespassing, and many of those apparently guilty people have been kept in solitary confinement without a trial for nearly 10 months.

The dichotomy between the Russia collusion/attempted coup d’etat and the false Jan. 6 “insurrection” and the danger each represents to our country cannot be overstated. Yet Jan. 6 is still all the Democrats and their media lapdogs can talk about. Rep. Adam Schiff spent three years lying to us about supposed Russian collusion, yet he has suffered no accountability for his lies — and he continues lying about Jan 6.

The mainstream media apparently finds little about Durham’s work worth reporting on, so huge numbers of Americans remain ignorant of these facts. Is there not one responsible journalist willing and courageous enough to do his or her job?


Burke, Va.

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