- The Washington Times - Friday, November 5, 2021

Far-left climate activists harassed Sen. Joe Manchin III in Washington on Thursday over his reluctance to endorse President Biden’s multitrillion-dollar social welfare bill.

Activists from the Sunrise Movement, a progressive advocacy working to combat climate change, confronted the West Virginia Democrat as he attempted to leave for the Capitol. Video of the incident, posted online by the group, shows activists blockading Mr. Manchin’s Maserati.

“We want to live,” the activists shouted while preventing Mr. Manchin from leaving a parking garage.

The protesters also shouted “Fight for us” and “F—- Joe Manchin” as the senator struggled to maneuver his vehicle. Eventually, after security officers intervened, Mr. Manchin abandoned his car and walked to the Capitol.

He was followed by a screaming mass of the activists, who demanded he support the bill. Mr. Manchin is widely seen as a pivotal swing vote in the evenly divided Senate on whether Mr. Biden’s centerpiece domestic spending agenda passes.

This is not the first time far-left protesters have harassed Mr. Manchin.

In September, protesters blockaded Mr. Manchin’s houseboat in a Washington marina with kayaks. Claiming to be constituents, the activists urged Mr. Manchin to not “sink West Virginia” by opposing the spending bill.

Mr. Manchin has refused to bow to the public pressure campaign.

Earlier this week, the West Virginia lawmaker launched a full-throated attack on aspects of the spending bill and the leftist Democrats who have targeted him.

“Everybody knows where I stand,” Mr. Manchin said. “The political games must stop.”

• Haris Alic can be reached at halic@washingtontimes.com.

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