- The Washington Times - Thursday, November 4, 2021

Republicans won Virginia. Republicans shocked New Jersey. Republicans beat down “defund police” movements in Minneapolis. But Republicans must not fall into the oft-GOP trap of forgetting why they won, where they go from here, and to whom they owe allegiance.

Republicans must not get cocky and think they can simply ride a train of anti-Bidenism into 2022, then 2024, then beyond. The American people want real fighters, not yapping naysayers. America’s conservatives want defenders of principles; patriots for freedom; warriors for constitutional causes — not mouthpieces for party elites.

It’d be a massive misstep for Republican politicians to take these November 2021 wins and water down conservative agendas by collaborating with Democrats. It’d be a massive mistake for Republican politicians to weaken these 2021 wins by working with the very leftists who voters elected them to beat — to do a John Boehner-type, for example, and partner with a Barack Obama-type, for instance, to pass Democrat agendas behind closed doors and then call it good for the nation. Then shoulder-shrug the outcry from the conservative base, as if to say, “Well, who else are you going to vote for, anyway?”

That’s cocky.

That’s the sort of cocky that ushered in the tea party in 2010 — and Donald Trump in 2016 and still, by way of influence, in 2021.

The most successful Republican politicians in the coming weeks, months and campaigns will be those who take the culture fight to the socialists’ faces, smash it wide open and scatter it to the four winds.

No more COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

No more mask mandates.

No more masking of school kids — or calls to keep kids out of school at all. If teachers are scared, if teachers are sick, if teachers are scared of getting sick, teachers can stay home. Or better yet, find other jobs that allow them to telecommute.

What America doesn’t need right now are more frightened sheep bleating out demands for others to change their behaviors, to social distance, to don extra layers of face cloths and plastic coverings so as to make them feel more comfortable, more secure, more immune to viruses. Science be danged. Truth be hanged.

Let’s get back to being Americans.

Let’s get back to losing the fear of living freely.

Let’s get our politicians on board with reeling in these senseless fears by legislating in favor of protecting liberty. That’s a big reason that Republicans won in November 2021.

No more critical race theory.

No more stupid “defund police” movements.

No more tear-downs of historical monuments and markers, leading to eventual toppling of the very foundations of American government, of American Exceptionalism: the Constitution. The idea of individualism. The notion of rights coming from God, not government.

No more church closings — ever. Never. For whatever reason, never, ever.

Republicans should regard these November 2021 wins with joy in that they show the socialists and Marxists and collectivists and globalists haven’t completely killed America’s spirit — at least, not yet.

But Republicans should also regard these wins with a somber recognition that this is just the beginning of the battle. Democrats won’t fade; leftists won’t stop. The Marxists and globalists who’ve taken over the Democratic Party won’t cede the fight.

Republicans better make sure they don’t, either.

There’s work to be done. There’re wars to be won. Now is not the time to compromise conservative ideals. Neither is 2022. Neither is 2024.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise Or America Will Fall,” is available by clicking HERE.

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