- Thursday, November 4, 2021

On May 11, 2021, Dr. Anthony Fauci lied to Senator Rand Paul and Congress about the gain of function experiments his agency funded at a Wuhan bioweapons lab. For that alone, Dr. Fauci belongs in an orange jumpsuit. Yet Dr. Fauci’s far bigger lie is one of omission.

Dr. Fauci’s big lie of omission may be traced to January 31, 2020. As I document in my new book In Trump Time, that’s three days after my first of many showdowns with Dr. Fauci.

On January 28, I had gone to the iconic White House Situation Room to elicit on behalf of President Donald J. Trump support from the as yet informal Coronavirus Task Force for the president’s proposed travel ban on incoming flights from Communist China. Like the president, I was deeply concerned that we had a pandemic on our hands – I had written about the possibility years earlier – and the only prudent course was to close our borders.

When I entered the Situation Room that day, I had never met Dr. Fauci and had no idea that he was an icon. I just saw a nondescript guy sitting across from me at high noon with who I would quickly get into a violent argument.

Dr. Fauci’s insisted the virus was low risk, and travel bans didn’t work. I saw it as the height of stupidity to allow 20,000 Chinese nationals a day into America when China itself was locked down tighter than the snap ties on a Uighur prisoner and when Wuhan’s crematoria were working overtime.

Of course, the travel ban Dr. Fauci opposed would turn out to be one of the president’s most prescient and courageous decisions, one that would save millions of lives. But the much bigger story began three days later with an email from Kristian Andersen of the Scripps Research Institute warning Dr. Fauci that the Wuhan virus looked genetically engineered. 

With that morning message from Mr. Anderson, Dr. Fauci almost certainly knew beyond any shadow of a doubt that the virus likely came from the Wuhan lab, which his agency had funded.  Dr. Fauci also must’ve known that the virus may well have been genetically engineered using the gain of function experiments Dr. Fauci and his accomplice, NIH Director Francis Collins, had both lobbied for. (Mr. Collins has already resigned in disgrace.)

At that critical point, Dr. Fauci had a moral, ethical, and patriotic duty to immediately go to President Trump, the White House National Security Council, and the task force itself to disclose these possibilities. Instead of coming clean, Dr. Fauci kept quiet.

At NO time at any briefing with the president or the task force did Dr. Fauci indicate any possible role of his own agency in spawning the pandemic. This lie of omission alone is sufficient to convict Tony Fauci for the crime of treason as it would result in the needless deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans.

Indeed, if we had known what Dr. Fauci declined to tell us, we would have adopted a completely different strategy to fight the pandemic, one that included a much more aggressive attitude towards Communist China to pressure it to full disclosure. That different strategy would likely have saved millions of lives worldwide and hundreds of thousands of Americans as we would have gotten to the truth behind the virus and its genetic code much more quickly.

Dr. Fauci not only lied by omission. He backed Mr. Andersen off while orchestrating a coverup through cutouts like Peter Daszak of the Eco-Health Alliance.  To wit: Using prestigious publications like the Lancet, Mr. Daszak was behind a letter-writing campaign to promote the false Communist Chinese Party narrative that the virus came from nature, not the Fauci-funded Wuhan lab. 

Dr. Fauci MUST be immediately removed from the National Institutes of Health.  He must be strapped into a chair on Capitol Hill to confess his crimes and then moved into courts of law – both civil and criminal – and held accountable for the laws he has broken, including lying to Congress.  He is a sociopath, narcissist, and criminal that this country has had quite enough of.

• Peter Navarro is the former Assistant to the President for Trade and Manufacturing Policy and author of the new book In Trump Time: A Journal of America’s Plague Year (All Seasons Press).

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