- The Washington Times - Friday, November 26, 2021

Once upon a time, the personal and private health records and choices of free American citizens were just that — personal and private.

Thanks to the largely drummed-up fears about the coronavirus, one of today’s most common questions: Are you vaccinated?

And failure to see the long-term danger to civil liberties in a question that to many seems innocuous is to help those who are trying to shape this nation into something it’s not — into something more sinister, less free, more communist, less individualist, more collectivist in nature.

Quit asking about vaccination status.

Quit answering about vaccination status.

We’ve come to a point in America where family, friends and strangers alike this it’s A-OK to pry into private citizens’ personal medical records to draw conclusions that aren’t even based on science or fact.

“Research provides evidence that COVID-19 vaccines are effective at preventing COVID-19,” the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported on its website, on Nov. 10.

“Some people who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 will still get sick because no vaccine is 100% effective,” CDC then acknowledged on its website.

So what’s the definition of “effective?” And what’s the percentage of “some?” — because these two standards have certainly changed over time. 

“Pfizer jab efficacy wanes 3 months after second dose,” RTE.ie just wrote in a headline.

The story went on to cite an Israeli study that found, “across all age groups, 1.3% of people tested positive 21-89 days after a second dose, but this increased to 2.4% after 90-119 days; 4.6% after 120-149 days; 10.3% after 150-179 days; and 15.5% after 180 days or more.”

How interesting.

How interesting given that’s not what people were promised when the vaccines were starting to roll.

From the CDC in April: “mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are highly effective in preventing infections in real-world conditions. … Those who were fully vaccinated were 90% less likely to get infected.”

In August, the University of Utah ran this headline: “COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness Dips, But Remains Potent Disease Deterrent.”

That report went on to state that “scientists calculated vaccine effectiveness to be 80% in a large group of fully vaccinated frontline workers between December 2020 and August 2021, compared to 91% in earlier surveys.”

Fast-forward to November, and this same website’s headlines were talking about the need for boosters.

Really, fast-forward to November and pretty much everybody was talking about the declining efficacy of the coronavirus vaccines and the need for a booster, two boosters, three, maybe four boosters. What’s beyond?

“Study in Science of more than 780,000 veterans is the first to compare waning protection rates across all three vaccines types available to most Americans and to directly report death rates after breakthrough infection,” PHI.org wrote in early November. 

The findings?

“Researchers found,” PHI.org went on, “that protection against any COVID-19 infection declined for all vaccine types, with overall vaccine protection declining from 87.9% in February to 48.1% by October 2021.”

That’s less than 50%.

That’s less than 50-50.

That’s to say that if you get the vaccine, you have a 50-50 chance of getting coronavirus.

But wait — 50-50 is the good news.

“The decline was greatest for the Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) vaccine, with protection against infection declining from 86.4% in March to 13.1% in September,” PHI.org wrote.

Thirteen percent? Thirteen percent! Americans should be outraged at the deceptions being perpetrated here by the scientific community, the scholarly community, the scared-Anthony-Fauci-might-cut-our-funding community.

“Declines for PfizerBioNTech were from 86.9% to 43.3%,” PHI.org wrote. “Declines for Modern were 89.2% to 58%.”

Suddenly, the push for boosters makes sense.

There are a lot of red faces out there that need to make good on all those early 2021 smart salesman promises about coronavirus vaccines saving humanity that simply aren’t panning as true.

Now here’s the main takeaway: If these vaccines aren’t working as promised; if these’ vaccines aren’t protecting the vaccinated to a level where it is considered, by commonsense standards, to be worth the risk or trouble or time or cost to get them; if these vaccines are actually falling in efficacy to the point where calling them effective is becoming one of the most creative wordplay moments in modern English history — then the question rears: Why get the vaccine?

Individual choice has been the earmark of America’s health system.

It’s been one of the foundations of American freedoms.

It’s high time to recognize the joke of the “effective” coronavirus vaccines and return to the reign of civil liberties over government mandates.

Quit asking about vaccine status.

Quit answering about vaccine status.

The correct response when someone asks about vaccination status is this, or some derivative of even cruder tone: None of your freaking business.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise Or America Will Fall,” is available by clicking HERE.

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