- Thursday, May 6, 2021

President Biden is saddling America’s younger generations with many trillions of dollars in new debt while pandering to his strongest political donors, the teachers unions, leaving many public schools closed to in-person teaching.

As more students fall behind, they will be less equipped for future employment and wealth creation, while getting the hook for Mr. Biden’s ever-expanding national debt. Perhaps Mr. Biden expects these students to apply for CIA intersectionality jobs, where future graduates (or drop outs) can emphasize their real or imagined victimhood, their “wokeness” and their mastery of critical race theory.

Meanwhile the teachers unions collaborated with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to keep schools closed. Big-tech monopolies, the mainstream media, Hollywood, Wall Street and government collude more and more in synchronicity with Democratic-Party talking points and agenda.

A video at the 2012 Democratic National Convention eerily proclaimed, “Government is the only thing we all belong to.” Now Mr. Biden looks to further advance corporatism through surveillance of Americans by corporations as an end run around the Fourth Amendment.

A century ago the colluding and intertwining of societal institutions, corporations and big government earnestly began throughout much of Europe, with disastrous results. Benito Mussolini coined a name for this: fascism.


Temecula, Calif.

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