- Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Why is the left’s vile reaction to both Sen. Tim Scott and Caitlyn Jenner so important? It reveals the fact that identity politics is nothing more than foul partisan politics and intimidation dressed up as virtuous wokism.

The left’s racist panic over Sen. Tim Scott’s rebuttal of President Biden’s address to the joint session of Congress has been appropriately discussed and condemned. Ranging from being called an oreo and “Uncle Tim,” Democrats and their enforcers vomited up blatant racism and a bigoted condemnation of someone for wrong-think because he dares to have his own opinion and perspective.

And within a few days of that bizarre theater of bullies, the woke identity politics enforcers also went after Caitlyn Jenner. Ms. Jenner, who has declared a likely run for governor in California now that the recall effort against Gavin Newsom appears to have achieved its requisite number of signatures, is being viciously attacked by woke activists and others for saying she is opposed to biological males competing against women in school sports.  

After TMZ aired her response which they elicited as she was going to her car after a coffee run, Ms. Jenner noted on Twitter, “I didn’t expect to get asked this on my Saturday morning coffee run, but I’m clear about where I stand. It’s an issue of fairness and we need to protect girls’ sports in our schools.”

The attacks against her were swift and predictable, with Breitbart reporting of the rage-filled mob: “Many suggested Jenner betrayed the transgender movement, calling Jenner ‘anti-trans’ and ‘self-loathing,’ due to Jenner’s remarks opposing transgender biological boys competing in girls’ sports … Male-to-female transgender model Plastic Martyr announced online to 62.9 thousand followers that Jenner is a ‘self loathing, vapid fame-whore that abuses her privilege & platform …’” Others referred to her as “odd” and part of a “cult,” transphobic (of course), and ignorant.

In both the Scott and Jenner cases, the reaction pulls the curtain back on the left’s intolerance and bigotry. This is the unhinged reaction by liberal activists who understand the danger of two high-profile people refusing to be compliant and conforming, and instead honoring the power of individualism and the American civil rights movements by daring to be themselves, no matter what the mob may demand.

And yet, there is another revelation the ugliness of these episodes has revealed: the fact that identity politics itself is based on a lie.

Consider the fact that we are lectured by the woke every day that certain people, because of their complexion, ethnicity, sexual preference or identity, are the only ones who can speak to certain issues because of that sliver of identity. We are told to believe they are imbued with the exclusive and unique experience required to be in sole possession of the truth regarding social issues.

Moreover, these same scolds and cancel-agents tribalize and segregate their supposed “constituents” while everyone else is told to shut up about the issues, or risk annihilation. Only Black people, or gay people, or trans people, can be trusted to know the truth about what’s important and what society must do to reconcile the racist and sexist past.

Then lo and behold, here are two people then who should be considered correct and legitimate in their perspective, not repeating the political and partisan lies of the left. Mr. Scott has had an experience as a Black man all of his life. Caitlyn Jenner doesn’t just claim to feel transgender, she took action and has made the complete transition. According to the left’s identity politics religion, their points-of-view are supposed to be correct and unassailable.  

But, no. And why not? Because identity politics is a control mechanism, a method with which to control the conversation and to silence people, not to empower them. The racism, sexism and transphobia is made manifest by the bigoted left who expect conformity and insist all Black people, gay people and transgender people think the same. That is what explicitly destroys the power of the individual, and the left reveals their putrid lie every time they condemn someone who acts on their truth.

If there’s anyone who understands the impact of biological males competing against girls and women in sports it would be Caitlyn Jenner, who is uniquely experienced as the former Bruce Jenner, one of the world’s most preeminent competitive athletes. Mr. Scott fully understands the Black American experience, what needs to change, but also the power and opportunity only America offers to all of us.

The attacks on Mr. Scott and Ms. Jenner expose the disgusting truth — the left is run by bigots who are committed to smashing anyone who thinks for themselves. Identity politics is a cog in the Democrats’ totalitarian wheel, and the left itself can’t control their own rage when they’re exposed as a fraud that they are.

For identity politics to be true, everyone would have to be thinking, feeling and acting the same. One way to hide the fact that we don’t, is to enforce speech codes, unleash the cancel culture, and control of society to a point where intimidated people are afraid to speak up. 

The left rages so quickly because they know the weakness of their vile construct. They know a whisper of the truth coming from those who defy the mob is all it takes to make their scheme come crashing down.

• Tammy Bruce, president of Independent Women’s Voice, author and Fox News contributor, is a radio talk-show host.

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