- The Washington Times - Monday, May 31, 2021

President Joe Biden posted a picture of himself with a cone outside an ice-cream parlor on May 29 and captioned it “Stay cool folks.” His Vice President Kamala Harris then tweeted out a picture of herself, smiling, with the words “Enjoy the long weekend.”

Neither Tweet mentioned this nation’s fallen heroes, the reason behind celebrating Memorial Day – a day we give thanks remembering the sacrifice and lives lost by the great men and women in the U.S. Armed forces, who fought to secure our liberties and freedom. 

The omittance was intentional. It’s a feature, not a bug in the Biden administration’s communication with America – a nation they view as systemically racist, economically broken, morally starved, and in need of a fundamental, transformational change.

Never do you hear any Biden official speak of America’s greatness, of the deep respect they have for our service members, their pride in our flag and national anthem, of how we are all one people created by God, who are living in the most generous, prosperous, and opportunity-filled nation in the world. 

Instead, they work overtime to strip us of the patriotism that binds us. Perpetuating an imperfect vision of America, gives them the permission they need to radically change it from our founders intention into a more socialist state, where Democrats wield control and the Woke mob rules. 

In his speech today, Mr. Biden again referred to America merely as an “idea.” No, Mr. Biden, America isn’t an idea, it’s a nation. A nation governed by laws, written by politicians elected by the people, deciphered by judges appointed by the lawmakers, and whose borders defended by our brave men and women in uniform. 

Every U.S. citizen’s rights are enshrined in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Sometimes our legal system fails, but most of the time it works – so much so millions of immigrants each year want to leave their home countries to live, work and participate in American society. 

America, to be defined only as an “idea” suggests political disagreements between parties or individuals have the possibility to tear the nation apart. It elevates politics and cultural disagreements over national unity, and allows the woke elite and those in power to censor, degrade or ban differing lines of thought under the guise of moral clarity. 

Last year, Mr. Biden went further, saying America is an “idea” that was “never lived up to.” Meaning, America – the greatest nation on earth – needs to change.

And the Biden administration is working every day to force that change. 

Today, it proclaimed a Day of Remembrance for the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre. On Memorial Day. One can support remembrance for the Tulsa Race Massacre, but not on Memorial Day. Why is the Biden administration trying to conflate lives lost tragically in a racially motivated riot and lives given willingly in service of one’s country?

Because this is Joe Biden’s America – and we need to remember even on Memorial Day – America is systemically racist and needs improvement.

Last year, President Donald J. Trump spoke of the “dignity, daring, and devotion of the American military” that “is unrivaled anywhere in history and any place in the world.” How “no obstacle, no challenge, and no threat is a match for the sheer determination of the American people.”

It would be nice to have back that sort of patriotism, pride and love for America from a U.S. president. Instead of seeing the selflessness, courage, honor and heroism of today, Mr. Biden sees an America in desperate need of repair. 

And he’s going to keep reminding you of it – even on Memorial Day.

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