- The Washington Times - Monday, May 3, 2021

Some fret that President Biden is hoping to redefine “patriotism” as he sets forth a fierce progressive agenda, all the while suggesting that such things as wearing masks and paying higher taxes should be considered patriotic acts.

Mr. Biden does not have the authority to designate what constitutes patriotism, however. So says an Issues & Insights editorial.

Biden wakes up every morning in the White House — whether he knows it or not — but that doesn’t give him the authority to define patriotism, nor to expect us to follow without question or dissent. We concede that patriotism is not easy to define. We’re familiar with the line that one man’s terrorist is another man’s patriot, and we’re quite aware that waving the flag is sometimes nothing more than just creating a light breeze,” the news organization said.

“But we also know that George Washington warned us to ’guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism,’ and Theodore Roosevelt said ’patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official,’” the editorial advised.

Biden wants to use his version of patriotism as a blunt instrument to forward the agenda of the left, which supports the most unpatriotic ideas imaginable. The left, a retrograde tribe made up of almost every Democratic politician and party official, nearly every member of the media, and most of the entertainment industry, does not believe in freedom outside of special privileges it’s carved out for itself. Respect for, and defense of, freedom should be the most patriotic act of all,” Issues & Insights said.


“President Klain.”

In a lengthy rationale, The Times of London reveals the identity of a formidable force behind President Biden.

“Who’s really running Biden’s White House? Step forward President Klain,” the British newspaper proclaimed, naming longtime behind-the-scenes Democratic kingpin and current White House chief of staff Ron Klain as the “driving force behind the actual president.”

Mr. Klain, 59, was chief of staff for former Vice Presidents Al Gore and Joe Biden alike in previous administrations. He also was an adviser for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. Things have gotten very busy in this day and age.

“Beating the pandemic, stimulating the economy, taking climate change seriously — these are all Biden administration priorities. In particular, Klain has thrown his weight behind the ’go big’ spendathon that has come to define Biden’s first 100 days. Klain describes the task as ’rebuilding the backbone of the country, rebuilding the soul of the country’,” The Times said.

“Klain believes the impressive degree of unity forged in the Democratic Party can be replicated in the country at large. But are former Republican and independent suburban voters who helped to secure Biden’s victory ready to endorse the biggest left-wing experiment for decades?” the news organization asked.


A few stray Republicans may worry that the GOP is out of touch with its grassroots constituents. Overlooking the power of such folks is risky; those local races can foster voter engagement and potentially have a valuable positive impact on the outcome of the upcoming big bouts of 2022 and 2024.

Then there is the independent mindset of the Libertarian Party, which indeed heeds the details and lessons of local politics and builds upon them.

“Maryland Libertarian Party member James Cook was elected to the Rock Hall Town Council in Kent County on Saturday, finishing first out of a field of six, with 153 votes,” the state-based organization advises in a statement shared with Inside the Beltway.

“James is the third Maryland Libertarian to currently be serving as an elected official, joining Muir Boda (Salisbury), and Jason Kolligs (Aberdeen),” the organization said, advising that Mr. James — a wastewater engineer — was sworn in on Monday.

“It was so great to volunteer alongside James Cook and see everyone’s hard work, as we gave out handbills, yard signs, and waved banners to let Rock Hall residents know about the spring election and our campaign. I’m excited to see the residents of Rock Hall choose a registered Libertarian, and look forward to the new leadership fixing the city’s drinking water and sewer,” declares Kyle O’Donnell, political director for the Maryland Libertarian Party.

Mr. O’Donnell, meanwhile, has a hefty to-do list: He plans to register 50,000 new Libertarians in the region and “run lots of candidates in 2022.”


Fox Nation — the on-demand video streaming service of Fox News — has released a new political special titled “The Collapse of Cuomo,” offering details about the challenges of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

The Democrat is, the network says, “currently under investigation for both his administration’s handling of COVID-19 in state nursing homes and several allegations of sexual harassment.”

Then there’s this detail:

Fox News Media will be promoting the special with ads purchased on CNN, including during ’New Day,’ ’The Situation Room’ and of course, ’Cuomo Prime Time,’” the network noted in a statement released on Monday.


• 37% of U.S. adults say President Biden’s top priorities should include managing the COVID-19 pandemic; 24% of Republicans and 47% of Democrats agree.

• 29% say the U.S. economy should be a priority; 34% of Republicans and 26% of Democrats agree.

• 24% say employment and jobs should be a priority; 26% of Republicans and 20% of Democrats agree.

• 23% say immigration should be a priority; 41% of Republicans and 11% of Democrats agree.

• 16% say unifying the country should be a priority; 15% of Republicans and 17% of Democrats agree.

• 15% say racial inequality should be a priority; 4% of Republicans and 27% of Democrats agree.

Source: An IPSOS poll of 1,005 U.S. adults conducted April 14-15 and released April 28.

Kindly follow Jennifer Harper on Twitter @HarperBulletin.

• Jennifer Harper can be reached at jharper@washingtontimes.com.

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