- The Washington Times - Monday, May 24, 2021

One CPAC a year is simply not enough in these challenging times. An upcoming event of note for one and all: The American Conservative Union is fine-tuning a significant gathering set to take place July 9-11 in Dallas and to offer more proof that the U.S. has not been “canceled” by liberal and progressive foes.

Welcome to “CPAC Texas 2021.” It boasts some 20 exhibitors and 38 sponsors which include the likes of Fox Nation and The Heritage Foundation. For the uninitiated, CPAC stands for “Conservative Political Action Conference.” And yes, this is the second CPAC of the year. It follows a similar event in February, staged in and the site of former President Donald Trump’s first public appearance since leaving office.

“It’s time to open up America and honor Texas for its courage. If you are tired of Blue state lockdowns, Anthony Fauci mask mandates, and Zoom Doom, come to CPAC: America Uncanceled for a national meeting,” the enthusiastic organizers advise in a statement about the upcoming gathering.

“It’s not just about holding a conference. It’s about funding grassroots activism around the country, including the centers we’ve established to try to save America from socialism,” says Matt Schlapp, chairman of the American Conservative Union in a new video explaining the event.

“The event is branded ’America Uncanceled’ because America should never be shut down, ever again. These are really important times,” he adds.

The organization’s push to rally conservatives and right the nation also includes livestreamed videos on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 7 p.m. Eastern, featuring high-profile conservatives, Republicans lawmakers and activists.

The best place to check out this rapidly evolving outreach, videos and all: Conservative.org.


Stark numbers once again suggest that President Biden’s immigration policy is in tatters.

“It’s been two months of chaos at the border since Vice President Kamala Harris was named border crisis manager. If it wasn’t clear before, it is now — Joe Biden’s agenda is open borders,” writes Tommy Pigott, rapid response director for the Republican National Committee.

Encounters between the U.S. Border Patrol officers and would-be immigrants have increased by 944% when compared to last year, according to statistics released by U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

For example, 17,1076 undocumented immigrants were encountered on the southern U.S. border during the month of April 2020. The number was 178,622 during April this year.

“Biden’s inhumane policies have encouraged smugglers to abandon children at the border. Due to the staggering number of crossings, HHS diverted $2 billion from its emergency stockpile and coronavirus funds to care for unaccompanied children,” Mr. Pigott said.

And the numbers: In April 2020, there were 741 children traveling alone and encountered at the border — compared with 17,171 in April this year.

“Officials estimate 1,500 illegal immigrants escaped into the U.S. per day in April, up from 1,000 per day in March. If those estimates hold, that means as many as 88,000 illegal immigrants have escaped into the U.S. unpursued just since Harris was named border crisis manager,” Mr. Pigott noted.


Well, here’s one more thing to ponder.

“At a projected cost of over $300 billion this fiscal year, interest payments are a significant part of the federal budget. Net interest is currently the fifth-largest federal line item and costs more than federal spending on food and nutrition services, transportation, housing, education, or refundable tax credits,” reports an intense new study from the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, a bipartisan nonprofit group.

“Even with exceptionally low interest rates, the United States is projected to spend over $300 billion on interest payments this fiscal year. That’s the equivalent of 9% of all federal revenue collections and roughly $2,400 per household,” the study noted.

“While no one can predict future interest rates with certainty, high levels of debt leave the country and the federal budget vulnerable to swings in interest rates. Already, interest payments consume a substantial share of the federal budget and crowd out other priorities. As debt and interest rates rise, the situation could worsen.”

Read the particulars at CRFB.org.


The 2022 midterm elections already are percolating with competitors, including Sam Peters, a conservative Republican now running in Nevada’s 4th Congressional District.

The combat veteran is based in Las Vegas and has won a variety of endorsements — including former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and a significant group of GOP politicians in Nevada.

Mr. Peters says America is “the greatest country on the face of the Earth” — has a message for liberal establishment politicians in the nation’s capital. “I’m coming and I’m bringing a movement with me,” he advises.

Such thinking was enough to win an endorsement from conservative rock icon Ted Nugent, who now believes the nation has a “bad case of Democrat fever,” in need of a cure.

“Sam Peters is a self-made businessman, but more impressive to me is that he’s an Air Force veteran who volunteered to put himself into harm’s way to defend our great country. He’s not some RINO career politician. He’s a patriot who will stand up to the socialists in Washington, D.C.,” Mr. Nugent says.


37% of U.S. adults say that helping protect Israel is a “very important” goal in U.S. policies toward the Middle East; 61% of Republicans, 39% of independents and 22% of Democrats agree.

26% say helping Israel is a “somewhat important” goal; 18% of Republicans, 24% of independents and 37% of Democrats agree.

10% say helping Israel is a “not too important” goal; 6% of Republicans, 11% of independents and 13% of Democrats agree.

8% say it is a “not at all important” goal; 3% of Republicans, 10% of independents and 8% of Democrats agree.

20% overall are not sure about the issue; 11% of Republicans, 15% of independents and 21% of Democrats agree.

Source: An Economist/YouGov poll of 1,500 U.S. adults conducted May 15-18.

• Follow Jennifer Harper on Twitter @HarperBulletin.

• Jennifer Harper can be reached at jharper@washingtontimes.com.

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