- Sunday, May 2, 2021

If President Joe Biden’s socialist economic policies were good, the illegal immigrants would be flocking into Venezuela. However, we are still operating largely under the free-market, low-taxation policies of President Donald Trump, and the illegal immigrants are flooding into the United States. In short, socialism does not work and never has.

Mr. Biden says he is only going to raise the taxes of the big corporations and the top 1%, those making over $400,000 per year. But his policies are already bringing significant inflation to our economy. While our incomes won’t likely get much bigger, the things we buy will cost us much more. In effect, this is a large hidden taxation. People will be able to buy less with their money.

Large price increases are especially hard on the poor but will also hurt the middle class. For example, gasoline and groceries, especially cereals, are rising in price and will rise much more in the future once Mr. Biden’s economic policies are in place.

I have great admiration for Sen. Tim Scott, South Carolina Republican, who seems to also foresee the toll Mr. Biden’s policies will take. His enormous courage and patriotism were shown in his delivery of a magnificent response to Mr. Biden’s April 28 speech. Despite expected disrespect and even racial insults, he pointed out the truth. He also pointed out that freedom of speech, as enshrined in the First Amendment, does permit any American, including Black Americans, to express their political and economic thoughts.


Boca Raton, Fla.

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