- The Washington Times - Wednesday, May 12, 2021

A handful of Republican governors have said no to the Biden administration’s dole-out of $300 per week more of taxpayer-funded unemployment benefits that are added to states’ disbursements to the individual filer, characterizing the cushy giveaways as socialist, un-American and anti-capitalist.

Socialist is indeed what it is. Yay GOP governors.

Under the current unemployment plan, Team Biden is paying more for Americans to stay home, stay out of work, stay on the taxpayer dime. And Team Biden is doing that simply by redistributing dollars from those who do not stay home, who do not stay out of work, who refuse to stay on the taxpayer dime.

Look around.

All those “Help Wanted” signs in store windows are screaming.

They’re screaming the message that those who aren’t working right now are choosing not to work because it’s more profitable for them not to work. The Daily Mail reported that pre-COVID-19, the average U.S. salary for an individual — in 2019, for example — was $31,133. Those people are now making more money by staying home — by choosing to stay home — by choosing to take the federal-plus-state unemployment benefits.

Why go to work when it’s more profitable to not work?

Governors of five states — Republican governors, of course — are saying no more.

“This is about as close to socialism that I’ve seen,” South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster said in a recent interview on Fox News, as reported by The Daily Wire. “We’ve got help wanted signs up everywhere, we get calls and letters and texts from all sorts of businesses all across the state looking for people to work. People won’t come to work because they’re getting as much money or more in some cases by staying home. It’s a counterproductive policy, and I’m afraid what the Biden administration is doing is that they’re telling everybody that the virus is still rampant and still in great danger.”

The White House is indeed perpetuating that lie. Just look at the hyped fears from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — the exaggerated dangers of catching COVID-19 outside that even the liberal-leaning, government-loving, bureaucrat-fawning New York Times just called out as a crazy, unscientific, factually challenged deception.

The administration has a vested interest in keeping Americans in a state of COVID-19 fear.

It’s called power grab.

If the leftists who are driving their socialist-slash-communist ideals through the White House are able to exploit the coronavirus for another few months, this country will have moved to the point of near-crumbling on the weight of its own debt, its own stalled economy,  its own overly-generous entitlement distributions, its own opened borders, its own higher taxation — its own dumbing down of school kids, leading to a cultural shift of individualists to good obedient sheep.

This is where the Democrats are taking America.

The ridiculously unnecessary rob of Peter the Worker to pay Paul the Lazy to stay at home is just one facet of the left’s overall plan to overhaul America and bring this great nation to its socialist knees.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise Or America Will Fall,” is available by clicking HERE.

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