- Sunday, March 21, 2021

Scott Zipperele of The Heritage Foundation has given a very astute analysis of the #StopAsianHate campaign (“Asian-Americans should be skeptical of the #StopAsianHate campaign,” Web, March 17). It shows that the political left is trying to pull Asians into their fold by stoking fear of attack.

In the media it is being suggested that the attacks occurring are the work of White extremists, protection from whom requires the left. As Mr. Zipperele notes, “[M]ost Asian American immigrants, especially earlier generations, tend to agree with core conservative values and principles, including individualism, hard work, entrepreneurship and religion.” Following that path, they have quietly been quite successful.

The history of this nation shows that Asian-Americans have faced and combatted virulent racism here. In spite of the obstacles, they did not give up on the pursuit of the American dream, and have become the left’s hated successful “model minority.” Hence the left’s new strategy: If we can’t beat them, let’s get them to join us.

As Mr. Zipperele writes, Asian-Americans “may prove a tough nut for the far left to crack.” For example, Asian-American parents and organizations have been very outspoken and active against Critical Race Theory indoctrination as education.

Also, Asian-Americans are surely aware those “Lone Ranger Leftists” now rushing to verbally defend them were either missing in action or highly supportive of the Biden dministration’s withdrawal of the lawsuit against Yale, wherein plaintiffs alleged that race-based admissions policies discriminated against Asians and Whites. Leftists are also opposing other such suits now pending.


Silver Spring, Md.

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