- The Washington Times - Friday, March 19, 2021

In the world of COVID-19, it’s the medical bureaucrats who’ve emerged as the voices who can never be questioned — and that’s a constitutional travesty, pure and simple, and America is paying a steep civil rights’ price for allowing the pinheads to dominate, make no mistake about it.

So thank goodness for Sen. Rand Paul, Kentucky Republican.

“You’re telling everyone to wear a mask,” Paul said, during a heated Capitol Hill exchange with Dr. Anthony Fauci, the guy the media and the Democrats and the Democrats in media would have believed is above challenge, The Hill reported. “If we’re not spreading the infection, isn’t it just theater? You have the vaccine and you’re wearing two masks — isn’t that theater?”

Bam. Zing. Of course, it’s theater.

Fauci, practically from the beginning of COVID-19 time, has been all about the theater. How else to explain his ever-changing, ever-conflicting, ever-Not-Really-Based-In-Science recommendations to the American people? How to explain his insistence to a national audience that he has nothing to do with setting policy, that he only gives medical advice and then lets the politicians and economists and educators set the policies and regulate the country — even as he tip-toes right up to the door of policy to pretty much tell the educators and politicians and economists that if they don’t do A, B, and C, people will die?

How to explain his ridiculous “if one mask is good, two masks are better” guidance — leading, of course, to one wonder if two masks are better, then perhaps three, or five, or ten are best of all?

“Here we go again with the theater,” Fauci shot back at Paul. “Let’s get down to the facts.”

Yes, Fauci. Facts would be absolutely welcome right about now. Because one need only look to Florida — or South Dakota, let’s not forget Gov. Kristi Noem’s stay-open orders, either — but one need only look to Florida to see the so-called “facts” Fauci has been presenting the public for over a year have been, well, less than factual.

Even he would agree with that.

“I agree with you,” Fauci said, in response to Paul’s argument that no studies, absolutely no studies, show that those who have been vaccinated or who have recovered from a bout of coronavirus then present as reinfection risks.

Once again, from Fauci: “I agree with you that you very likely would have protection from wild type for at least six months if you’re infected.”

Wild type?

What the heck is that?

Here’s the answer: That’s Fauci’s way of slipping into the national debate the path of more regulations, more government control. He’s bringing up the variants of the coronavirus — the variants that all viruses present — and drumming up the fear that just because a vaccination protects against this particular strain of the coronavirus doesn’t mean that it protects against all the strains that are coming down the pike.

Well, no duh to that.

That’s how viruses do.

That’s why it’s impossible to get rid of the normal flu — because the flu keeps changing and adapting.

“You’re making policy based on conjecture,” Paul said.

You just want people to wear masks for a couple more years, Paul said.

“You’ve been vaccinated and you parade around in two masks for show,” Paul said.

“You’re not wearing a mask because of any science,” Paul said.

Bam. Zing. 

Fauci tried a last desperate jump.

“Let me just state for the record, masks are not theater,” he said.

Thank goodness for Paul.

Fauci is nothing but a tool of the left — a tool for the globalists — a talking mouthpiece for those who would use this coronavirus for as much political gain as possible.

Or, in the vein of Paul’s remarks: A bad actor who needs to leave the stage.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise Or America Will Fall,” is available by clicking HERE.

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