- Sunday, March 14, 2021

During President Biden’s first national address to the American people last Thursday night, I noticed several interesting things. First, Mr. Biden did not recognize where the coronavirus came from: China. He did not acknowledge the Chinese goverement and World Health Organization’s cover-up, which led to the spread of COVID-19 around the globe. He did not hold China responsible for the devastation of 2.6 million deaths worldwide, and the 530,351 deaths in the United States.

Mr. Biden acted like the federal and state governments are the answer to all our problems. He cited “renowned” immunologist Anthony Fauci, saying Americans should follow the science. Although Dr. Fauci seems like a very nice man, he has been wrong more than he’s been right. I’ve got news for President Biden: Half the states are already opening up and giving their residents back the responsibility for their own lives and safety.

Mr. Biden took atta-boy credit for the U.S. response to the virus. How could he not recognize Operation Warp Speed for the three COVID-19 vaccines? CNBC reported on Aug. 14, 2020: “The U.S. has doled out billions to develop a vaccine against the coronavirus that has infected more than 5.1 million people across the country.” So why did Mr. Biden take credit for what was already planned and secured by the Trump administration?

Furthermore, in his speech last week Mr. Biden urged us to “put trust and faith in our government to fulfill its most important function, to protect the American people.” Well, Mr. President, why didn’t you say anything about the crisis at the southern border? The border patrol is being overwhelmed. Thousands of unaccompanied minors being detained by the federal government. U.S. Customs and Border Protection reports a 50% increase in illicit-drug apprehensions at the southern border, including meth, heroin and cocaine. The Biden administration is releasing into the U.S. thousands of asylum seekers — without testing them for COVID-19. Yet you cannot fly into our country without being tested for COVID-19. What happened to “the most important function” of the federal government — to protect Americans?


Kokomo, Ind.

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