- Associated Press - Saturday, March 13, 2021

ALEXANDRIA, La. (AP) - It’s been a rough road for Doris Norris, 60, of Sieper who was diagnosed with ovarian cancer last August.

To help ease some of the financial burden Norris and her husband Terry are facing, the Christian Riders of Pineville and Taboo Harley-Davidson in Alexandria held a benefit ride and luncheon last weekend.

“They’re raising money for me for my medical bills, really mainly for my medical bills,” said Doris.

“It’s been a long road for them and we just wanted to put this ride together to try to support them,” said Edward Jarzyna who helped organize the ride. The couple are also members of the club.

“This is a benefit ride to help them with the costs that they had with her taking cancer treatments in Shreveport,” said Jarzyna.

The proceeds will go to help with gas and hotel expenses incurred while traveling to Shreveport where Doris gets treatment.

“I go at least every three weeks if not every two weeks to see my doctors up there,” said Doris. “I finished my last treatment last Monday.”

“It was rough,” she added. “But God’s carried me through with my friends and my family. My husband has been really, really - thumbs up.”

Doris and Terry also rode along on the 57-mile ride that took over 50 riders near the Norrises home in Sieper. Also at the benefit at Taboo Harley-Davidson were her daughters Ashley Norris and Toni Hemion and granddaughter Payton Hemion.

“Whatever it takes to help to help Terry and Doris,” said Ken Coody, president of Christian Riders of Pineville. “We’ve got a great club that enjoys doing this stuff right here so we’re going to try to do the best we can to make as much money for them today as we can.”

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