- Thursday, March 11, 2021

The human psyche is accosted by various desires and emotional impulses which, if not subdued, result in negative outcomes for individuals and/or society. The uninstructed child acts upon every arising emotion while seeking that which is conducive to immediate pleasure; hence, as observed by Aristotle, he/she should be restrained and guided until comprehending the nexus between act and consequence. Who would deny the biblical wisdom of “Children, obey your parents, that your days may be long upon the earth”?

Political correctness (America’s current state religion) shows little interest in the control of human impulse (particularly in the realm of sexual behavior). It does not lament the production of fatherless children, millions of whom require welfare assistance and are prone to anti-social behavior. But should a heretic view certain sexual acts distasteful or contrary to conviction, better keep that thought to yourself lest the PC police strip you of employment or issue a crippling court decree.

“Sympathy for the transgressor” is the singular tenet of political correctness. Are you poor? Ignore the law, wade the Rio Grande and come by the millions. Commit a crime when here? Not to worry; we will prevent your deportation. Are you indulging in drugs or their commerce? The fault lies with others; self-inflicted poverty does not exist.

Sympathy makes for a simple religion, but it does not alter behavioral consequence.



Oak Park, Calif.

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