- The Washington Times - Wednesday, March 10, 2021

The number of migrant children in custody along the U.S. southern border has tripled in the past two weeks to a record 3,250, with nearly half held past the legal limit.

Because of the surge, the Biden administration has allowed child migrant centers to expand their capacity to 100% and are searching for new shelters across the country. Officials projected 13,000 child migrants will cross into the U.S. in May alone.

So, what’s the Biden administration’s plan to stop the influx?

Nothing in the short-term – his administration is laughably blaming climate change and hurricanes for the increase in numbers, not his ending catch and release, halting deportations, stopping construction on the border wall and terminating the Trump-era remain in Mexico policy. In the long term, President Biden wants Congress to fund his $4 billion immigration plan.

Yes, that’s correct – President Biden wants $4 billion in taxpayer money to help pay for his immigration mistakes. Instead of using the money to build a wall, or increase border security, it will be dedicated to providing funding to El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras to help them decrease poverty, corruption and violence in their home countries.

Talk about America last. 

Moreover, this strategy was tried – and failed – during the Obama administration.

Former President Donald J. Trump knew the only way to stop illegal immigration was to enforce the laws on the books – to deter those from crossing the border. If you got caught crossing the border, you were sent back to your home country, not released into the U.S. interior.

If you were fleeing your country for humanitarian reasons, you could apply to enter the U.S. and then remain in Mexico as the U.S. court system adjudicated your request. He looked to end sanctuary cities, build the border wall, and never promised to give illegal aliens U.S. benefits, like free healthcare and education.

Former President Trump used U.S. foreign aid as a cudgel for Central American countries to cooperate. And they did. As a result, some of those countries were paying to fly their illegal aliens from the U.S. back to their home countries. They also worked harder at enforcing their own immigration laws.

President Biden’s tactics are the exact opposite – pay foreign countries, or fraudulent NGOs, to focus on improving conditions within their home countries in the hope their citizens wouldn’t want to flee. It didn’t work for the Obama administration, and it won’t work for the Biden administration either.

So long as there’s the promise of amnesty, free healthcare, education and U.S. welfare benefits, migrants will be encouraged to cross the U.S. border. The flood will continue, and U.S. taxpayers will be on the hook to pay for the influx as they compete with them for U.S. jobs. 

The Biden administration may say the U.S. border is closed, but all of their actions say it’s wide open and welcome in.

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