- The Washington Times - Monday, June 7, 2021

The co-founder of The Washington Times praised the publication’s legacy in remarks over the weekend, vowing to strengthen its global reach and position as a defender of American values and leadership in the decades to come.

“I wish to strengthen the presence of The Washington Times in the heart of D.C. so that The Times can forge stronger ties to better report on and inform American leadership,” said Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, who helped to establish the newspaper in 1982 with her late husband, the Rev. Sun Myung Moon.

Through six American presidencies and a period of profound global change, The Times has been providing a strong conservative voice in Washington to promote American values — freedom, faith and family — while also challenging a U.S. media establishment that caters increasingly to coastal elites.

The Cold War and the communist Soviet bloc were in full flourish when The Times first hit newsstands on May 17, 1982. The paper quickly became a staple of hard-hitting and balanced deep-dive journalism, with a world-renowned conservative commentary section underpinned by the values of freedom and democracy.
Asserting that America today faces a crossroads, Mrs. Moon said the efforts to embolden The Times on the turbulent U.S. and global media landscapes will dovetail with a revamping of other key aspects of the commercial empire associated with the spirit of the Unification movement she and Rev. Moon also founded.

Most notably, Mrs. Moon said that The New Yorker Hotel “will be completely renovated in midtown Manhattan “to support this effort” in the wake of the COVID-19 era.
She made the remarks Sunday during the keynote address of a worldwide rally held virtually and orchestrated by the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification and the American Clergy Leadership Conference.

Mrs. Moon and her husband devoted their lives to the promotion of world peace and the reunification of the Korean Peninsula — an undergirding premise of the Unification movement that grew from the Unification Church that Rev. Moon founded in South Korea in 1954.

Mrs. Moon has led the movement since a few years before the Rev. Moon died in 2012. His ministry grew from a tiny, embattled church in South Korea to global stature, with an affiliated commercial group in America and worldwide enterprises comprising real estate, manufacturing and agricultural operations, as well as media properties including The Washington Times.

In her remarks Sunday, Mrs. Moon reflected on the 1982 founding of The Times “when the threat of communism was real.”

Having experienced firsthand the brutal nature of communism, she and the Rev. Moon shared a vision for ending communism. “My husband and I invested significant sums of money and founded The Washington Times,” she said, adding that The Times “became a reference for American presidents, including President Reagan.”

“The aim of The Times,” she said, “has been to inform American leaders on how to defend America and, as a nation blessed by God, how America can live for the sake of the world.

“To support this effort, the New Yorker Hotel, located in New York, the economic capital of the world, will be completely renovated,” she said. “It will become a center for peace, an educational landmark where leaders from around the world will gather.”

As the co-founder of numerous peace-oriented nonprofits, including the Universal Peace Federation, Mrs. Moon has pushed for world peace and to promote broader themes of unity, pluralism and global harmony, as well as reverence for human rights and respect for all people.

• Guy Taylor can be reached at gtaylor@washingtontimes.com.

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