- Thursday, June 3, 2021

President Biden’s sudden attempt to federalize real estate and assessments is fascinating and straight out of Orwell’s “1984.” All Republican-dominated states require reassessment at regular intervals. Two states that are contested, Iowa and New Hampshire, do not, but in both states the counties reassess at fairly regular intervals to ensure they collect taxes. That leaves eight very deep-blue states that refuse to reassess longterm residents (mostly White): Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Minnesota, New Jersey and New York.

Mr. Biden has just said these deep-blue states are racist and have been ruled by racists for generations, and must be forced to stop being racist. Yet Biden himself was part of Delaware’s ruling party for more than a generation, during which time he fought against school integration, authored a crime bill

targeting Black men and never once complained that reassessment was racist. Yet in all of these states, minorities buying first homes pay a larger share of real-estate taxes than the liberal elites who have long owned homes.

It is stunning that Joe Biden, in his quest for power, has openly stated the obvious.



Wayne, Pa.

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