- The Washington Times - Wednesday, June 23, 2021

The American public still has questions — and opinions — about the 2020 presidential election, and those elections to follow.

“Arizona’s ongoing audit of 2020 election results has been widely criticized, but a majority of voters nationwide approve of the election integrity effort,” says a new Rasmussen Reports poll of 900 likely U.S. voters released Wednesday. The poll found 55% of respondents support the forensic audits of election results to ensure there was no vote fraud.

Another 29% oppose such audits, 17% are not sure.

Meanwhile, a substantial new poll from Monmouth University also offered insight. It found that a third of U.S. adults continue to believe that President Biden won the election “only due to voter fraud” while an equal number say that audits of the 2020 election results are “legitimate efforts to uncover irregularities.”

Yes, well, imagine that. It is of note that 14% also agree that they “will never accept Biden as president,” according to the survey, which was released Tuesday. Another 37% said voter fraud is a “major problem in the U.S.,” while 32% deemed it a “minor problem. See more numbers in the Poll du Jour at column’s end.


There is quite a hubbub over Vice President Kamala Harris’ sudden decision to pay a call on the southern U.S. border, a mere 93 days after she was appointed to manage the humanitarian crisis and law enforcement challenges in the region. President Trump also will visit the region next week, accompanied by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, who has now embarked on a remarkable effort to build a border wall himself, funded by Texans and private donations. For information on that, visit www.borderwall.texas.gov.

And let us look at the border crisis from a factual point of view.

In the last 48 hours alone, U.S. Customs and Border Protection reported that apprehensions of migrants hiding on trains in the Del Rio, Texas, sector’s Uvalde Station have increased 911% compared to the same time last year.

Rio Grande Valley Sector Border Patrol agents also arrested 86 migrants in two stash houses and apprehended an additional 75 migrants in three northbound smuggling attempts. Agents in Mission, Texas, also encountered 46 more migrants hiding inside an abandoned building while those in the Weslaco Border Patrol Station dealt with 39 migrants inside a stash house in McAllen, Texas.

‘Additionally, 75 subjects were arrested in three separate smuggling attempts utilizing a motorhome and semi-tractor trailers,” the federal agency said.


The ever-vigilant Marc Morano, founder of the watchdog site ClimateDepot.com, is now warning that as the COVID-19 lockdown eases, another version will soon take its place. The World Health Organization, British researchers and the International Energy Agency are now recommending behavioral changes and “climate lockdowns” around the planet.

 “Climate activists were jealous when the COVID-19 lockdowns happened. They are now beside themselves, everyone from Greta Thunberg to John Kerry and UN officials. They’re saying ’we need to follow this. If we can shut down for a virus, we can shut down for climate change’,” Mr. Morano said, noting that it’s not just stray academics and professors who are upset.

“We have a major UK report coming out. We have an International Energy Agency report that came out calling for essentially the same type of lockdowns — everything from restrictions on your thermostat to restrictions on moving. You can only fly in a climate emergency when it’s morally justifiable,” Mr. Morano warned.

“They’re going after freedom of movement; they’re going after private car ownership, they’re going after everything it means to be a free person — and turning it over to the administrative state,” he said.


One professor from the California State University system wants Victorian literature classes to change their attitude.

Lana L. Dalley, an English professor at the campus, recently penned a studious paper titled “Confronting White Feminism” for Nineteenth-Century Gender Studies Journal, an academic publication.

“With their focus on women’s suffrage and individual development, these pioneering women neglected issues of race and racism, she argues,” noted the College Fix, a student-run press watchdog.

The professor appears to believe otherwise.

“Left unacknowledged and unchallenged, the race and class politics of Victorian feminism might result in humiliation, exclusion, and white validation in the classroom,” Ms. Dalley wrote in her paper.

“Dalley sees a need for instructors to operate under an ‘antiracist feminist pedagogy.’ This method of teaching would use modern feminist theory to inform class conversations and push back on any and all Victorian ideals, acknowledging the ‘white epistemologies at their heart.’ It’s part of what she calls world-building, which is the practice of deciding how to interpret the world and guiding students to create new worlds,” the College Fix analysis said.

“Dalley’s critique of white feminism in the classroom follows a larger trend both in academia and culture. Multiple books on the subject have been released this year, from “White Feminism” by Koa Beck to the forthcoming “Against White Feminism: Notes on Disruption” by Rafia Zakaria, which similarly critiques early British suffragists and female activists,” the analysis said,


80% of registered U.S. voters support requiring voters to show a photo ID in order to vote; 91% of Republicans, 87% of independents and 62% of Democrats agree.

37% overall say voter fraud — votes cast in the name of people who are not eligible to vote — is a “major problem” in the U.S.; 64% of Republicans, 41% of independents and 10% of Democrats agree.

32% overall say voter fraud is a “minor problem”; 64% of Republicans, 41% of independents and 10% of Democrats agree.

29% overall say voter fraud is “not a problem”; 21% of Republicans, 33% of independents and 38% of Democrats agree.

32% overall say President Biden won the election “due to voter fraud”; 57% of Republicans, 38% of independents and 4% of Democrats agree.

Source: A Monmouth University poll of 810 U.S. adults conducted June 9-14.

• Helpful information to jharper@washingtontimes.com.

• Jennifer Harper can be reached at jharper@washingtontimes.com.

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