- The Washington Times - Tuesday, June 15, 2021

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, on the heels of an emergency meeting to look at complaints of heart inflammation in young men as a side effect of the coronavirus vaccine, have determined that there seems to be a correlation. There seems to be a correlation that those men under the age of 30 who get the coronavirus shot experience heart complications as a result, as a possible result, of the shot.

And all the colleges in America who’ve made the coronavirus vaccine a condition of returning to campus should be going, “Uh-oh.” Or at least, they should. 

Can you say lawsuits?

Certainly, these schools need to be brought to court.

First off, it’s common sense: You don’t mandate a vaccine that’s only been authorized for emergency use — that hasn’t been fully vetted for its side effects. You just don’t. Even the military knows that — even the military won’t force troops and Marines to take this shot.

Second off, it’s more common sense: You don’t mandate a vaccine for an age group of people who are least likely to contract the disease the vaccine is supposed to stop them from contracting. Youth are the least likely to get the coronavirus; science — actual truthful science — has proven that time and again, for the better part of a year.

Why vaccinate those who don’t need it?

And depending on the answer to that question, refer to Common Sense Point Number One, about the sense — and morality — of using humans as guinea pigs.

But third off — and yes, there’s a third point to be made for the case of suing colleges requiring this experimental vaccine — this is exactly why we have lawsuits: to hold people accountable for actions that cause damage and harm.

If you want a modern-day example of the need for the right-to-sue, look no further than the closest college or university requiring students to get the vaccine before returning to physical campus. University Business keeps a running list of all of ‘em; check daily for the updates. But so far: There are tons. Tons.

They need to reconsider.

“Last Thursday,” The Hill just wrote, “the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that there is a stronger correlation between the coronavirus vaccine and heart inflammation. Males under the age of 30 may face heart complications after receiving a full shot.”

And today? After the CDC’s emergency meeting to determine the link?

In its “Story at a glance” section, The Hill wrote: “Males under 30 may face heart problems after getting vaccinated.”


Yet hundreds of colleges and universities are mandating this vaccine on their predominantly under-30 crowd of males.

This is what lawsuits are for — to reel in those who overreach and cause harm, to send a message to those who put others in danger, to put a stop to unconstitutional, unnecessary acts that needlessly endanger the innocent.

Sue. Sue now. Sue fast and furiously. Set the colleges of America on notice that the youth in their charge are not on campus to be the government’s test case for coronavirus vaccines.

Young men shouldn’t have to choose between heart problems or the college campus experience.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise Or America Will Fall,” is available by clicking HERE.

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