- The Washington Times - Friday, July 16, 2021

A handful of students at Indiana University recently sued their school over its coronavirus vaccine mandate, saying the shot should not be a condition of returning to campus because it violates both state law and the 14th Amendment of the Constitution, the one guaranteeing due process in protection of individual life, liberty and property.

First off: Kudos to the students for finding an attorney to take their case.

‘Cause in this chaotic time of wildly unconstitutional clampdowns on liberties due to the coronavirus, and government’s exploiting of the coronavirus to wildly and unconstitutionally clamp down on individual liberties — attorneys defending the little guy are hard to find.

Impossible, even.

And that’s just shameful. Especially when you hear the government’s latest — from Jen Psaki, White House spokesperson, on the coronavirus: “We’re flagging problematic posts for Facebook that spread disinformation,” she said.

Government censorship, anyone?

“[T]his is a big issue of misinformation, specifically on the pandemic,” Psaki said. “In terms of actions that we have taken or we’re working to take, I should say, from the federal government, we’ve increased disinformation research and tracking. Within the Surgeon General’s office, we’re flagging posts for Facebook that spread disinformation.”

This is the stuff of totalitarian governments, folks.

This is not the proper role of government in America.

And yet: Who’s to put a stop to it? Who’s to put the final kibosh on such unconstitutional acts with court rulings that deem the acts outlandishly unconstitutional? Attorneys to make this case seem few and far between. In a proper American world, the courts would be overfilled right now with class action fights against coronavirus vaccine mandates — against employers who make the shot a condition of employment, against college and university administrators who force students to take the shot as a condition of returning to campus, against entertainment venues that compel, say, concert-goers to get the shot in order to attend. The courts should be overflowing with allegations of the unconstitutionality of the government forcing individuals to wear face masks — to socially distance — to stay home and stay off the streets, stay off the beaches, stay away from the parks — especially for those who’ve chosen to be vaccinated. The court dockets should be packed with suits over looming contact tracing technology, soon-to-be door-to-door visits from bureaucrats brandishing vaccine needles, up-and-coming vaccine passports — show me zee papahs, Comrade! The court hallways should be filled with plaintiffs and their attorneys arguing over the private market pickup of government-desired clampdowns and fighting off the oligarchy that’s rapidly subverting our system of limited government, accountable government, and government of, by and for the people.

Where are the freaking attorneys on this?

There’s Anthony Sabatini in Florida, fighting face mask mandates. There’s Harmeet Dhillion in California, fighting Big Tech and unconstitutional coronavirus clampdowns. There’s the nonprofit Pacific Justice Institute, fighting nationwide the ridiculous losses of religious liberties suffered under the coronavirus clampdowns.

But it’s not enough. It’s barely a blip of what’s needed. Because when you have a spokesperson for the White House of the United States of America saying openly, brazenly, with barely a blink of an eye, that the federal government is working in cahoots with social media to identify and flag speech that’s deemed undesirable — well, then, Houston, we have a problem.

And it’s a problem of galactic proportions.

Dhillon, of Dhillon Law Group, of the Center for American Liberty — of such First Amendment fame that the former president, Donald Trump, praised her publicly for her defense of free speech issues — said in a recent chat that Republicans have over the years turned disdainful eyes to the law practice of civil liberties, seeing the specialty as more for the camps of the soft and squishy liberals than for the pro-business, free market wheeling and dealing types who dominate conservative circles. That’s a good point.

It explains the why.

But it doesn’t explain the solution.

What America needs now is a fighting base of freedom-loving attorneys to swirl into court and slap down lawsuit after lawsuit after lawsuit on behalf of individualism, on behalf of individual rights, on behalf of the notion of God-given rights.

The collectivists who dominate the Democrat Party are winning the country. They’re winning by exploiting the coronavirus and all its variant fall-out for political use; they’re winning by changing the narrative of the nation from one of self-determination to one of Government Knows Best — to one of blind obedience. They’re winning because the courts aren’t forced to face the fight of a committed group of constitutionalists.

The people can take it to the streets — and have. Now the people need someone to take it to the courts on their behalf. Dhillon and Sabatini and Pacific Justice can’t do it by themselves.

And here’s an incentive that should perk legal ears for sure: There’s plenty of money to be made in fighting the right fight, right now.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise Or America Will Fall,” is available by clicking HERE.

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