- The Washington Times - Wednesday, July 14, 2021

President Biden, in a speech from Philadelphia, knocked down former President Donald Trump’s claims of a stolen 2020 election while characterizing those who wanted to tighten state voting laws as Ku Klux Klan types who couldn’t wait to legislate away the rights of Blacks and minorities.

It’s what Democrats do — accuse others of that which they themselves are guilty. Biden was lying his butt off so he had to point to others as lying.

His targets of ire were Republicans in Republican-controlled states who are currently daring to tighten election laws so as to keep election theft, election shenanigans, election fraud and drawn-out election dramas to a minimum. Biden calls such efforts an “assault” on free society.

“There’s an unfolding assault taking place in America today — an attempt to suppress and subvert the right to vote in fair and free elections,” Biden said, Yahoo!News reported. “An assault on democracy, an assault on liberty, an assault who we are as Americans.” 


Hogwash hyperbole.

And curiously, Biden addressed just that point.

“We’re facing the most significant test to our democracy since the Civil War — and that’s not hyperbole — since the Civil War,” he said.

Note to Democrats: Tightening election laws so they’re tougher to skirt is not racist. It’s not Jim Crow come again. It’s not even targeted harassment, or an improper abuse of political power. Rather, it’s right and proper.

It’s quite right and proper to call for would-be voters to, say, go to the place of voting to cast a ballot in a controlled environment on actual Election Day — that’s a standard that should stay in place in all states. That’s the way to safeguard the ballot boxes.

Of course, there are exceptions; of course, there should be exceptions. Members of the military, the ill and handicapped, the otherwise tasked by prioritized responsibilities — like jury duty, for example — and even the traveler who can’t make it to the polls on the set Election Day should all get exemptions from in-person mandates, should all be considered exceptions to the rule.

But by and large, for the good of the republic, for the sake of election integrity, most voters, most of the time, in most circumstances, should be required by law — by state law — to show up to vote.

Is it truly the Democratic Party platform to insist that Blacks and minorities aren’t capable of making it to the polls and need extra help? That they’re somehow inferior to Whites in this regard?

Democrats are fighting to keep the coronavirus-era vote-from-home, vote-from-wherever and vote-whenever workarounds in place because, da dum dum, drumroll, please, the system works for them. Loose laws, chaotic interpretation of laws, contested ballot counts, post-election court challenges — all this works for the Democrats.

Without, they’d have to rely on platforms, policies and, gasp, principles to win. And we all know where that would end for them: clean sweeps of Republicans into office, every election, every time. That’s the unthinkable. So instead, they lie.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise Or America Will Fall,” is available by clicking HERE.

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