- The Washington Times - Tuesday, July 13, 2021

If only Democrats would listen to the throngs of anti-communist protesters marching through Cuba right now — perhaps then they’d quit their own socialist-slash-communist leanings and pleadings and get with the liberty playbook program.

But they won’t.

They won’t because it’s not in their best political interest to learn from the mistakes of socialists and communists. Why not? Learning from the mistakes of socialists and communists would entail acknowledging the never-ending failures of big, bigger, biggest, all-encompassing government. And Democrats can’t admit that — because that’s exactly what Democrats want.

Their end game, for America, is a Cuba.

That thousands have taken to the streets of Cuba to protest a government gone drunk on power, and leftists in America have gone strangely silent, is not that surprising. Not really. Not when you consider that what the protesters want is so antithetical to what Democrats want, that the latter cannot withstand hearing, recognizing or God-forbid, supporting the former.

“We are no longer afraid,” the Cubans cry.

“We want freedom,” the Cubans demand.

Meanwhile, hundreds in Little Havana in Miami have gathered in shows of solidarity with their friends, family and partners in liberty in Cuba.

“I know my family in Cuba is struggling — people are dying,” one Miami resident told WTVJ.

“There’s no food, there’s no medicine. … The whole country is in the streets,” another Miami resident told NBC.

But see no evil, hear no evil — so there must be no evil, right?

The government in Cuba has reacted by setting down the Internet — so as to control the flow of information — and by sending in the police — so as to frighten and disperse the crowds of freedom-seeking protesters — and by tasking the special agent force, the Black Berets, into the streets — so as to violently restrain the most insistent of protesters.

America’s Democrats, America’s socialist-democrats, America’s socialists and communist-look-alikes, meanwhile, have gone silent.

“Fox News has emailed Reps. Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib and Sen. Bernie Sanders and has yet to receive a response from any of them,” Fox wrote. “As of early Monday, none have even mentioned the protest on social media.”

Yep. See no evil, hear no evil — there must be no evil. Like Cuba’s government; like America’s leftists.

Even the supposed moderate Democrats, like (we’re to believe) sitting in America’s own White House, at first called out the coronavirus as the compelling protest factor — not, say, Cuba’s food shortages, or medicine shortages, or its subpar, inadequate health system. ‘Cause that would draw attention to the government as the responsible party, dontcha know.

“People in Cuba are protesting 62 years of socialism, lies, tyranny & misery not ‘expressing concern about rising COVID-19 cases/deaths. Why is it so hard for @Potus & the people in his administration to say that,” Sen. Marco Rubio tweeted.

Answer: Because Cuba is what Democrats want for America.

Communism, ultimately, is what Democrats seek. Collectivism is the left’s aphrodisiac; globalism is the leftists’ vision for all.

To point to the failures of dictatorial, top-down, total control governance with real-life, real-time examples of the abject misery such scenarios bring — that such scenarios always bring — would throw kinks in the Democrats’ plans to unwind everything former President Donald Trump did, and put in place everything the global elites desire.

The type of power Democrats want depends on the ignorance of the people.

It’d be great if Democrats and their partners in socialism looked to Cuba and drew a conclusion of the exceptionalism of America, and stopped their attacks on Founding Fathers and the Constitution. But don’t hold breath.

Socialists and communists never quit their quest for power.

They just close their eyes and hope everybody else does the same. It’s the only hope they have of keeping alive in their minds their dream of political domination.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise Or America Will Fall,” is available by clicking HERE.

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