- The Washington Times - Monday, July 12, 2021

Former President Donald Trump’s straw poll results at the Conservative Political Action Conference saw him with 70% of the ballots, far more than second-place — and star-in-his-own-right — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, with 21%.

With the weak one in the White House, it’s beginning to seem like America’s just biding time until Trump returns.

It’s as if the nation’s conservatives have their minds made up and the road to 2024 is paved simply with the duty to hold the line — to suffer but fight the leftist assaults on freedom, to slap back as best as possible the arrogance of Dr. Anthony Fauci, to call out the calls of the collectivists in global government for their anti-American agendas, to drive down the socialist rhetoric as defensively as possible, to stand the line, man the battlefield, staff the watchtowers and in general, keep the Constitution as much intact as able, in preparation for Trump’s resumption of America First policy.

“I want to personally thank each and every one of you for your incredible support,” Trump said in Dallas, after digesting the 15 percentage point gain he won in favor with conservatives from a CPAC straw poll taken in Orlando in February. And consider: 55% support ain’t small potatoes, either.

Second prize went to DeSantis — of course. He’s been the Trump heir apparent for months now. But no other Republican in the straw poll won more than 1% of the vote.

With the infestation of the GOP with remarks like this, from the ridiculous Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois — you can see why: “I call on every leader in the Republican Party to stand up, say ‘get vaccinated,’ and to call out these garbage politicians [like Marjorie Taylor Greene]. These absolute clown politicians playing on your vaccine fears for their own selfish gain.”

American conservatives have had quite enough of Republicans who do the bidding of Democrats — and more than enough of Democrats who do the bidding of socialists and communists. Starting with their weak-kneed, pushover leader, Joe Biden.

“A Weak Joe Biden Is Badly Out of His Depth,” The Heritage Foundation just wrote in June, about the president’s embarrassingly puppy show at the Group of Seven summit.

“Biden did not have a good G7 summit, and at times looked confused, struggling to make points coherently and mixing up countries such as Syria and Libya,” Heritage wrote.

And just a few days ago — this, from Statista: “Would you say Joe Biden is a strong or a weak leader?” Answer: 33% said “very weak,” 31% said “somewhat strong,” 14% said “somewhat weak” and 21% said “very strong.”

The takeaway?


Most Americans think he’s weak.

And newsflash: That’s ‘cause he is.

Combine that — Biden’s weakness — with the ongoing Democrat hatred of all-things-Trump; the growing obsession of RINOs on Capitol Hill to join with Democrats to publicly hate all-things-Trump; the ongoing social media attack of all-things-Trump, including the outrageous YouTube booting of the ex-president’s CPAC speech from its platform; and the spotty showings of once-pro-Trump sources, such as Fox News, to actually give the guy a fair shake in today’s world — take all that into consideration, along with the growing attacks on individual liberties in this country and the smug, snotty dismissal by the left of concerns about these attacks — take all that into consideration and what’s left is a conservative society that’s simply marking time.

Conservatives in American society are simply gearing up, getting ready, and marking time to boot the weak one and bring back the strong one.

America’s left may think its time has come to substantially shift the country’s foundations and usher in a new global order.

But most conservatives see this Biden era as a blip — a wake-up call — a call to ultimate arms. A comedy of errors — orchestrated by dunces. The goal is to hold the line for MAGA 2. Eventually, necessarily, the pendulum that’s been thrust far left will swing right. Conservatives simply won’t cede the country to communists.

Patience is a virtue — all the more the battle for God-given rights.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise Or America Will Fall,” is available by clicking HERE.

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