- The Washington Times - Saturday, July 10, 2021

Rep. Jim Banks urged Americans to stand against critical race theory during his speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Dallas on Saturday.

The Indiana Republican called the teachings, which seek to interpret the issues related to systemic racism in society, a “direct attack on America and our values.”

“The Left hates the idea of a colorblind society,” Mr. Banks said. “They want people to be judged by the color of their skin. They want to reorder society according to race. That’s why they are doing everything in their power to push this ideology and rewrite American history.”

Mr. Banks, who chairs the Republican Study Committee, was one of several speakers who spoke to components of the First Amendment in a segment titled “Not Our First Rodeo: Why the First Amendment Is First Among Equals.”

Conservative radio hosts Larry O’Connor, Jason Rantz, and Todd Starnes, as well as Rep. Lauren Boebert, Colorado Republican, also delivered speeches.

Mr. Banks zeroed in on the right to petition, calling for people to stand against anti-Americanism, which he believes is infiltrating institutions at small and high levels.

“We need you now more than ever,” Mr. Banks said. “The Left has embraced a more dangerous ideology than anything that they’ve embraced in the past. It’s worse than progressivism. It’s even worse than socialism. It’s anti-Americanism.”

Mr. Banks praised parents in Texas and other places who have protested their school boards on the teachings of critical race theory. 

He also referred to the preservation of the American Dream “the most important mission” conservatives have to take on in today’s age.

“It’s going to take God-fearing, flag-waving Americans in places like Texas and northeast Indiana to lead the renewal of American patriotism and take back our country from those who want to tear it down,” Mr. Banks said. “We do it by expressing and exercising our freedom of petition.”

CPAC, hosted by the American Conservative Union, will run between July 9-11 in Dallas, Texas. The theme of the conference is “America:UnCanceled.”

• Mica Soellner can be reached at msoellner@washingtontimes.com.

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