- Thursday, January 7, 2021

When I saw the front-page headline on my morning paper Jan. 7 (“ASSAULT ON DEMOCRACY”) I thought perhaps The Washington Post had been delivered instead of The Washington Times. We the people were at the Capitol by the tens, if not hundreds of thousands, to do just the opposite of assaulting democracy. We were there to preserve our democratic republic.

The amazing mass of people came from all around the United States to bring attention to and seek redress for the indisputable corruption that surrounds Washington and in particular the unmistakable lawlessness rampant in the recent presidential election. It is unfortunate that a few caused destruction at the Capitol (who were these few and what was their motivation? They certainly weren’t representative of the assembled masses). It is particularly tragic that unarmed Ashli Babbit was killed, reportedly by police. However, those who characterize the protests as “Trump rallies” or the protesters as “angry Trump supporters” (as The Times does, along with the untruth that “thousands … stormed their way into the U.S. Capitol”) seek to marginalize and obfuscate the true nature of our motivation.

Our actual motivation is profound anger at the dismantlement of our country’s foundations at the hands of corruptocrats. That anger is deep, country-wide and inspired by our love for the United States of America and the U.S. Constitution. The Washington Times must do better.


Burke, Va.

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