- The Washington Times - Wednesday, January 6, 2021

A mass arrest of pro-democracy activists and lawmakers in Hong Kong, combined with the messaging of China’s president for all soldiers to be on alert for combat “at all times,” has set the global stage for the “most dangerous moment since the Cuban Missile Crisis,” according to one China affairs expert, Gordon G. Chang.

Expect more of the same for the next four years.

Such will be the marking of a Joe Biden-Kamala Harris administration and a Democratic-dominated Congress — a world that’s far less safe, far less secure, far more open to hostile takeover by far-leftist tyrants. But this is the moment China’s been waiting for; this is the communist regime’s golden ticket to totalitarian expansion — an America led by pro-China types who think tough foreign policy is a strongly worded letter.

The headlines scream of the dangers to come from an emboldened China.

“’Total submission’: With mass arrests, China neutralizes Hong Kong democracy movement,” The Washington Post just wrote.

“Hong Kong arrests 53 activists under national security law,” The Associated Press wrote.

The “national security law” to curb violent demonstrations — i.e. pesky pro-freedom rallies — was enacted in June. But it wasn’t widely tapped — until now. Until curiously, coincidentally America’s elections seem to be drawing to a close. Until curiously, coincidentally, America’s elections seem to be drawing to a close in massive favor of Democrats.

“National security law: Hong Kong rounds up 53 pro-democracy activists,” the BBC wrote.

The arrests came at the hands of roughly 1,000 police who conducted 72 different raids against those in Hong Kong suspected of trying to “overthrow” the government, BBC reported. Those arrested, in large part, were lawmakers.

Then there was this, from CNN: “WHO team blocked from entering China to study origins of coronavirus.”

Why should China cooperate? With anyone?

China’s most powerful opposition, the Donald Trump administration, is about to be replaced by a cupcake.

A cupcake the communists in China actually admit offers “a new window of hope” for relations.

That translates into peril for America.

Chang, an in-demand public speaker and pundit on Chinese relations and national security issues, and the author of “The Great U.S.-China Tech War,” lived in China and Hong Kong for almost two decades, put out a batch of Twitter warnings that shouldn’t be ignored.

He wrote: “#XiJinping, with mass arrests in #HongKong, is daring the world to respond. This is the test for free societies. #China #CommunistChina #CCP #CCPChina.”

And this: “#China’s regime no longer cares what others think. It has gone full rogue. #COVID19 #conronavirus #WHO #CommunistChina #CCP #CCPChina.”

And this: “#China’s generals and admirals are in the process of taking over the country, and they want to kill. They could, with their ’military diplomacy,’ plunge the world into continuing conduct. #CommunistChina #CCP #CCPChina.”

And this: “This is the worlds’ most dangerous moment since the Cuban Missile Crisis.” He tweeted that above a headline from Daily Mail Online that read, “Ready for war! China’s President Xi orders his soldiers to be prepared for combat ’at all times.’”

And then this: “The #Chinese regime is now on the move. #XiJinping evidently thinks no one will stop him” as well as this: “#China’s regime, whether out of arrogance or insecurity or both, is about to change the world.”

Another: “If Beijing succeeds in crushing Hong Kong, it will demand complete obedience everywhere.”

And with Democrats taking over America’s government, communist China is well on its way of doing just that.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise Or America Will Fall,” is available by clicking HERE.

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