- The Washington Times - Monday, January 18, 2021

The Virginia Department of Education just released for public comment a proposal that would allow boys who think they’re girls, or even boys who pretend to be girls, the unfettered right to enter girls’ bathrooms and dressing rooms and changing areas — and what, God forbid, showers and bathing spots? — so long as they really, really, really think they belong there. And vice versa to the girls on all that, too.
Things that make you go hmmm.
The LGBTQ-tied proposal comes by way of the radical nut jobs who have taken up office in Richmond and now, due to the outgoing Donald Trump administration and incoming Joe Biden administration, no doubt feel full-steam-ahead emboldened to foist their radical nut job policies into existence — because who’s to stop them now?

Sane Virginians who might buck such ridiculous and harmful concessions to the transgender crowd won’t get any sympathetic ear in Washington, D.C. Nope. The Biden-Kamala Harris ticket — or, as Biden often calls it, the Harris-Biden administration — is all about social justice, all about advancing the social justice program. And nothing says social justice like a boy who says he’s trapped inside a girl’s body, yes?
In “Model Policies for the Treatment of Transgender Students in Virginia Public Schools,” the proposal that came at the bequest of the General Assembly in 2020, the new education system in the state would require teachers, students, staffers and administrators to refer to the student by the student’s pronoun of choice — or else face disciplinary action; would all students to use the dressing facilities and overnight hotel or rooming accommodations that correspond with the student’s chosen sex; would bar school officials from stopping anyone from using any bathroom, regardless of biological sex, regardless of biological-based signage on the door — and in fact, officials cannot even question anyone about to enter any bathroom; and would allow school bureaucrats to help children confused about their “gender identity” make the decision about which sex they truly are, biology be danged.
Oh. And these policies would apply to little kids in elementary schools, too. They call it “creating inclusive schools.”
High schoolers, middle schoolers, elementary schoolers — all of ‘em would get treated to the latest public education brainwashing of far-leftist lunacy.
The commonwealth is poised to pass this nonsense into law.
The commonwealth’s far-left Democrats are poised to pass into law state-imposed child abuse.
Individuals who believe sex is as interchangeable as a sweater, or that sex is even a choice rather than God-ordained and biological determination, are suffering from mental disorders and need psychological treatment, along with loads of compassion and sympathy.
Pretending otherwise is evil. 
And that means teaching children otherwise is abuse.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise Or America Will Fall,” is available by clicking HERE.

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