- Tuesday, January 12, 2021

“Black conservatives push back as Biden, Democrats allege racism in Capitol police response” (Web, Jan. 11) demonstrates two major issues. First is the short-term memory problems of Joe Biden and second is the continuation of a long-standing use by the Democrats of racism as a deflection.

The article illustrates the problems with Joe Biden’s memory when Mr. Biden seems to fail to recall the months of rioting, looting of businesses and destruction of public and private buildings by Black Lives Matter protesters in Democratic cities. In those areas, the police were instructed not to interfere and to “stand down.” The riots drew no public denunciations from Mr. Biden until early September.

African-Americans, even those who refuse to admit it, know that this has been used as deflection for Democrats’ failed public policies, which have contributed to the destruction of African-American families and communities. Among these failed policies is the 1994 crime bill created by Mr. Biden. It was the Democrats who offered financial incentives to African-American women to become single moms. This resulted in many of those male children dying from violence or being incarcerated, and the girls becoming single moms themselves.

We must question Mr. Biden’s mental health when he tries to compare a one-day protest with limited damage to a three-month riot that included mass destruction. I hope your article will make Democrats and the African-Americans who have supported them recognize their hypocrisy, but I doubt it.



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