- The Washington Times - Monday, January 11, 2021

William Burns has been named by Joe Biden as the rising White House chief’s pick for CIA director.

And since Burns has a deep background in Russia relations, it only follows Democrats must now dig, dig, dig to make sure he hasn’t colluded with Moscow’s power players.

After all, if U.S. intel concluded in 2016 that Russia was the reason for the whole President Donald Trump season, and that without all those foreign fake news shenanigans on social media, planted as they were from afar, that America would’ve had a Hillary Clinton administration, it should stand to reason that Moscow, successful as they were the first time around, would only be emboldened to do the same in the 2020 elections. That was a key cause of all the left’s rally cries of collusion against Team Trump for three years. That, and faked dossiers and lying politicians and rabid anti-Trump dogs in the media. 

Now here comes Biden’s pick for CIA director, Burns, a former ambassador to Russia and Jordan.

What kind of talks has Burns had with Russian politicos?

What kind of discussions has he schmoozed with Moscow players?

What does he know and when did he know it?

As Adam Schiff might say — as Adam Schiff did say in 2019 against the Trump administration — there is “ample evidence of collusion in plain sight,” Politico wrote.

Ample, and plenty. So ample and plenty, in fact, it’s very nearly time Maxine Waters get out the microphone and demand “impeach Biden” on all the media circuits.

Bill Burns is an exemplary diplomat with decades of experience on the world stage keeping our people and our country safe and secure,” Biden said, News 12 on Long Island reported. “He shares my profound belief that intelligence must be apolitical … The American people will sleep soundly with him as our next CIA director.”

Will they? Can they?

Perhaps a special counsel is in order to make sure.

Burns, after all, “speaks Russia, Arabic and French,” according to NBC News.

He could be out there colluding all over the place — and predominantly English-speaking Americans would never know.

Snark aside, here’s the real danger with Burns: He’s a career diplomat.

He talks and talks and talks — and thinks action is penning a strongly worded letter. To be delivered, no doubt, with a bouquet of flowers so as not to offend.

He’s a diplomat with a globalist vision of worldwide peace at all costs; that is, he was the president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and as such trained in the walk softly but carry a cupcake to share way of working with others.

In other words: Iran is rubbing its hands with glee.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE.

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