- Thursday, February 25, 2021

President Biden is now a third of the way through his first 100 days in office, so it’s an appropriate time for an early report card.

Over 100,000 Americans have now died from COVID-19 on Joe Biden’s watch and his vaccine roll-out has been plagued by missteps, but the Democrats decided to put fighting COVID-19 on the backburner so they could focus on the sham impeachment of the former president instead. This was a mistake. No one imagined that 35 days into the new administration that a new COVID-19 relief bill would not have been already rubberstamped. Mr. Biden and his team’s lies about the Trump administration’s vaccine development and distribution plan have only made matters worse. This all reeks of incompetence.    

Now, the American people are just beginning to learn the details of Mr. Biden’s bloated $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill and there are a multitude of problems, starting with the fact that only nine percent of the bill deals with actually combating the coronavirus pandemic.  Asking the U.S. taxpayer for $1.9 trillion dollars is an extremely tall order when a trillion dollars from previous COVID-19 relief bills remains unspent. Why isn’t Mr. Biden spending this appropriated money first before asking for more? And, a $15 minimum-wage increase that will cause 1.4 million jobs to be lost has no business in a COVID-relief bill.  

Furthermore, the American people should not be on the hook for handouts to Mr. Biden’s political allies, illegal immigrants and bailouts to poorly managed blue states. This is old fashioned swamp politics and emblematic of the “business as usual” attitude in Washington, D.C., that paved the way for the election of the ultimate political outsider Donald Trump in 2016. Washington has learned nothing.

Mr. Biden dramatically says that “we can’t wait” to pass his COVID-19 bill, but he failed to stand up and call off the phony impeachment trial that wasted precious time. There’s legitimate concern that Democrats are now rushing this process because they’re concerned that the window to exploit the COVID-19 crisis for political gain is closing. There’s ample evidence to back that up. Experts are coming forward to say that America is closer to achieving herd immunity than previously expected and this is a problem for Mr. Biden’s expensive COVID-19 bill. Why ask the American people to foot an exorbitant $1.9 trillion tab if the end of the crisis is approaching?  

Mr. Biden must answer questions about this deeply flawed bill. When $1.9 trillion is on the table, there must be transparency even if the mainstream media isn’t demanding it.  

To date, Mr. Biden has put a zero on the board for the American people when it comes to enacting legislation. After promising national unity in his inaugural address, Mr. Biden decided to pander to his radical base by signing a slew of liberal executive orders to reverse parts of President Trump’s America First agenda. This was a mistake as well. The American people didn’t give Biden a mandate to erase President Trump’s accomplishments. In fact, Mr. Biden only won the presidency by a mere 40,000 votes in three states.  

Sadly, Mr. Biden has shown little interest in putting America first. Our economy is still closed and Mr. Biden is prioritizing teacher’s unions over our children. Instead of focusing on vaccinating more Americans rapidly, Mr. Biden seems fixated on pushing the liberal wish list. Stopping the construction of Mr. Trump’s border wall, coddling the mullahs in Iran, halting the Keystone pipeline and re-entering the job-killing Paris climate treaty were all prioritized over fighting COVID-19. Mr. Biden and the Democrats really do hate Mr. Trump more than they love their country.

Instead of seeking bipartisanship and consensus on Capitol Hill, Mr. Biden and the Democrats appear hell bent on ignoring the election results that resulted in a razor thin presidential election, a 50-50 split in the Senate and a tiny 221-211 Democrat majority in the House. The American people voted for compromise and Mr. Biden is ignoring that at his own peril.  

Unfortunately, Mr. Biden’s legislative agenda will further divide America. The Democrat’s H.R. 1 legislation would stifle freedom of speech rights and double down on the disastrous mass mail-in voting scam we all just witnessed. Also coming down the pike are unconstitutional gun control restrictions and amnesty for untold millions of illegal immigrants. If Democrats move these left-wing measures before COVID has been put to bed - with schools and the economy open - the backlash coming down the pike from the voters will be substantial.  

Since the Trump deranged media are refusing to cover how the Biden administration’s radical agenda will impact the lives of everyday Americans, Citizens United has launched a new project called StopBidenAgenda.com. We can’t let Joe Biden fundamentally change America without a fight. We must ask the tough questions, do the research and investigations and get the facts out to our citizens. And right now, the facts show that Mr. Biden is failing the American people and not interested in changing course any time soon.

• David N. Bossie is president of Citizens United and he served as deputy campaign manager for Donald J. Trump for President.

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