- Tuesday, February 23, 2021

President Biden marked a tragic milestone on Monday evening: 500,000 American lives lost to the coronavirus pandemic.

It’s good to honor our dead, but there’s also reason for celebration about how far we’ve come as a nation combating the coronavirus — good news the Biden administration seems reluctant to share.

Coronavirus cases in the U.S. have dropped 77% in six weeks. Dr. Marty Makary, a professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, wrote in The Wall Street Journal the U.S. should reach herd immunity by April, allowing Americans to resume normal life.

Vaccination rollout has been going well. Nearly 15% of Americans have received the vaccine, and former Food and Drug Commissioner Scott Gottlieb estimates 250 million doses will have been delivered to some 150 million people by the end of March.

Hospitalizations and death rates are also down. The daily hospital admission rate has sunk 60% since its peak on Jan. 9, and deaths have dropped by nearly 39%, according to the White House coronavirus task force. In two weeks, the number of counties with coronavirus transmission in the “red” zone, which has the highest rate of contagion, has gone from 90% to 60%, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported.

All of this is good news, yet the Biden administration continues to downplay it.

“I believe that if you look back historically, we’ve done worse than most any other country and we’re a highly developed, rich country,” Dr. Anthony Fauci told ABC’s “Good Morning America” on Monday.

Rochelle Walensky, director of the CDC, also tried to temper the progress, saying the U.S. was hardly out of the woods when it came to combating the virus.

Why such a dour outlook? Americans want schools to reopen, they’re ready to shop and eat at their favorite small businesses and are excited to visit their grandparents.

The answer: Control and power. Democrats simply don’t trust you to make the right decisions. They need to mandate how you live your lives, under the guise of safety for all. Double masking, remote learning, businesses operating at 25% capacity, all may become the “new normal.” Mr. Biden has suggested wearing masks until at least 2022.

To elicit your compliance, Democrats will propagate fear and downplay successes.

“Some medical experts privately agreed with my prediction that there may be very little Covid-19 by April but suggested that I not to talk publicly about herd immunity because people might become complacent and fail to take precautions or might decline the vaccine,” Dr. Makary wrote. “But scientists shouldn’t try to manipulate the public by hiding the truth.”

Yet, that’s what they’re doing. Instead of delivering hope, the Biden administration is perpetuating despair. “Fifteen days to slow the spread” is approaching one year, with no end in sight, despite our medical advances.

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