- Sunday, February 21, 2021

West Coast liberals like to go to places like the French Laundry restaurant in California, where meal prices start at $350 per person (though Willie Brown says he heard that just the wine bill for California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s infamous dinner was $12,000). Apparently, that’s the only way to wash down white-truffle-and-pumpkin soup. Everything is choice and apparently worth the price.

For people like me, though, listening to Rush Limbaugh was like dining at the French Laundry. Everything Rush sent out over the air was choice. He offered us pearls of wisdom, not “Oysters and Pearls.” He served us prime cuts of the illogical reasoning and hypocrisy of liberals, instead of cornflake-crusted Japanese Wagyu. Who needs Dungeness crab salad when you can feast on a montage of media people saying exactly the same thing, typically using the same words, as if they were reading from a script? Rush’s broadcasts were always delicious.

The beauty of his content was that it cost us listeners nothing but time. For the advertisers, though, it was different. Rush always reminded us that he would need to take a commercial break so that he could charge his advertisers confiscatory rates. And they were standing in line, eager to do so.

I feasted on Rush for more than 30 years, and nothing I consumed there ever came back on me. I don’t know if the French Laundry can make that claim.

Rush will be sorely missed. Others will try to replace him, but the meal will likely never be as satisfying. I thank God for the talent He loaned to Rush. May he rest in peace.


Kingsville, Md.

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