- The Washington Times - Friday, February 19, 2021

In October, Twitter amended its hacked materials policy to “no longer remove hacked content unless its directly shared by hackers or those acting in concert with them.” The change in policy was spurred by outrage over its decision to block links to the New York Post’s Hunter Biden expose, which was based on emails recovered from Mr. Biden’s laptop.

Twitter’s Chief Executive Officer Jack Dorsey wrote the company’s decision to straight up block the New York Post’s story was wrong, “and we have updated our policy and enforcement to fix. Our goal is to attempt to add context, and we now have the capabilities to do that.”

Great. Though enforcement of its new policy seems to be lax — especially when the hacked content hurts Republicans.

Last night, American Bridge, a liberal Super PAC that supports Democratic candidates and opposes Republican candidates, tweeted the private text messages of Heidi Cruz, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz’s wife. 

It’s unclear how American Bridge got ahold of the texts, but what is clear is that they were working in a concerted effort against the Texas Republican — trying to add fuel to the fire of his family’s decision to take a vacation to Cancun in the middle of a paralyzing winter storm in his home state.

The tweet, sent by Bradley Beychock, American Bridge’s co-founder, is explicit in its intention: “Oh texts you say? Hey @SenTed Cruz, @American_Bridge sends its best. Have a Margarita on us!” with screenshots of the hacked texts.

It remains up on Twitter — because, well, Mr. Cruz is a Republican.

More blatantly, last week someone at The Lincoln Project, the famed liberal Super PAC that took aim at former President Trump and Senate Republicans during the 2020 election, logged onto the private Twitter account of one of its former employees without their consent and posted private direct messages.

The intention was also clear: The Lincoln Project published the direct messages in an effort to publicly bully its former employee from speaking ill of the group. Although the tweets were eventually taken down by The Lincoln Project (after former member George Conway pointed out their publication may be in direct violation of federal law), Twitter said the offending tweet wasn’t a violation of its hacked materials policy.

How can this possibly be? The Lincoln Project broke into someone’s private account without their consent and published their private messages. But, as Twitter’s thinking must go, The Lincoln Project was successful at taking down the bad Orange Man, so their tweets must be OK. 

At this point, to argue that Twitter doesn’t have a conservative bias is laughable.

Their own policy rules are arbitrary, fluid and only enforced to suppress or block conservative content.

Twitter suspended Mr. Trump’s account permanently, but the handle of the Supreme Leader of Iran — the world’s No. 1 sponsor of terrorism — is active.

Twitter interfered and manipulated the 2020 election by applying “misinformation” warnings on political ads — like those saying how President Biden was going to eliminate fracking, fossil fuel usage, and raise your taxes (all true). No such warnings were placed on Democratic ads.

It also blocked the sharing of stories damaging to then-candidate Biden, like the New York Post’s reporting of his son potentially profiting off of foreign countries while Mr. Biden served as vice president. Twitter then temporarily suspended the accounts of those trying to get the word out.

Yes, Twitter eventually reversed its decision, but the damage was done.

According to a post-election survey, 13% of Mr. Biden’s voters would not have voted for him if they had been aware of Hunter’s China affair. Widespread knowledge of the scandal would’ve tilted the election for Mr. Trump. Twitter did its job.

Twitter says it has user policies, but it doesn’t stand behind them. If it did, there would be a universal application of those policies indiscriminate of one’s political ideology. There is not. 

Twitter, and Mr. Dorsey himself, has become just another arm of the Democratic political establishment.


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