- The Washington Times - Monday, February 1, 2021

So the anti-Donald Trump Lincoln Project was co-founded by a guy who now stands accused of sending sexually explicit messages to young males, one as young as 14, and promising jobs and career advancement in exchange for, you guessed it, sex.


John Weaver, a longtime G.O.P. operative who advised John McCain and John Kasich, made sexual overtures to young men, sometimes offering to help them get work in politics,” The New York Times wrote.

That’s called sexual harassment.

And now the Lincoln Project has pivoted from its normal Trump-hating campaign to self-preservation mode.

We didn’t know! — the organization claims. 

Oh yes you did, the reporter investigating the sexual harassment allegations against founder John Weaver claims right back.

John Weaver led a secret life that was built on a foundation of deception at every level. He is a predator, a liar, and an abuser,” the Lincoln Project wrote in a quick statement about their now-scandal-ridden founder. “We extend our deepest sympathies to those who were targeted by his deplorable and predatory behavior. We are disgusted and outraged that someone in a position of power and trust would use if for these means.”

The Lincoln Project also said its members were “absolutely shocked and sickened” by the “totalitarian of his deceptions” and feel “betrayed and deceived” beyond belief.

So what’s Weaver done? Allegedly, that is?

According to The New York Times, he’s accused of sending 21 men messages of sexually explicit nature — with one of those men saying he was 14 years old when he first fielded the messages.

According to the Lincoln Project, all its other members hadn’t a clue.

But according to Ryan James Girdusky, author and writer, that’s bunk.

“This statement by the @ProjectLincoln is an absolute lie,” Girdusky tweeted. “Members did know. Young men approached them about the accusations. Members knew I was writing the story and warned John Weaver.”

If the rule of thumb is to believe the accusers, then Weaver’s a sitting duck in a very open pond. So, too, is the whole Project Lincoln organization.

After all, Project Lincoln already has deception wound tightly within its mission: it pretends to be conservative, pretends to be a voice for Republicans, pretends as if it’s a defender of the GOP way. Really, it’s just a group of Republicans In Name Only who serve Democrat interests and do Democrat Party bidding.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise Or America Will Fall,” is available by clicking HERE.

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